Chapter twenty two: Electricity

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Aerolynn's pov 

When I awoke the next morning Kylos arms were still wrapped around my waist, our chests pressed against each other.

I snuggled against him, enjoying how safe I felt in his arms. I breathed in his scent of mint, I wished I could've bottled it and put it into a candle, that way I could've smelt it whenever I wanted to. But that would've been creepy...

I gazed up at his sleeping face, I didn't think I had ever really seen him sleep before, so I took the time to admire his features.

He looked younger when he slept, he didn't look like a dark lord who had a terrible childhood and a tyrannical master. He just looked like a young man, he looked happier.

I thought back to the night we had, while we didn't do anything... dirty, I still felt like we had shared an intimate night together. We had talked about things we both would never have told anyone else.

I told him about my family, how my parents probably would have liked him, and how my brothers would aspire to be like him. That is if he wasn't associated with the first order. But I didn't tell him that.

I didn't know if I loved him, I had never been in love. My only source was my parents, and they rarely showed affection in front of us. They'd only kiss in their bedroom. Sometimes they'd hold hands at the dinner table but that was pretty much it.

Affection bubbled inside of me as I thought of what he did last night after I had nearly drowned in the river. I didn't remember much seeing as I was only half-conscious for most of it. But just thinking of how he made sure to lay me in front of the fire, trying to do whatever he could to warm me made me smile.

No one had ever cared for me as much as he had.

I ran my finger over his smooth skin, tracing a trail up to his lips, my fingers grazing over the pink things that whenever pressed against mine made butterflies erupt into my stomach.

Kylo's eyes slowly opened and he smiled when he saw me, blinking lazily. He really wasn't a morning person.

"Good morning, beautiful." He mumbled before kissing my forehead. I blushed at the gesture, smiling so big that my dimples popped up. Kylo reached out and poked each one, making my smile even wider.

"You should smile more, those dimples are cute." He said, starting to get up.

"Oh please, your just being a big flirt." I said looking up at him. He only shrugged at my words, and got into his uniform. Meaning he had to take off his shirt...

I gazed up at his muscled perfectness. There really wasn't an ounce of fat on him. I knew because when I laid with him yesterday it felt like almost sleeping with a droid, all made of metal.

"Like what you see?" He asked, slipping the shirt over his head.

I tucked my knees into my chest feeling embarrassed.

"No, your simply adequate." I said, turning my nose up. He chuckled, starting to put on his armor.

"That's not what you thought last night." He said.

"What did I tell you about reading my thoughts!" I nearly yelled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I couldn't help it, your thoughts are just extremely loud." He said, raising his hands up in defense.

I rolled my eyes playfully before standing up, and grabbing my own outfit.

It had dried out mostly from the river, but I couldn't help but shiver at thinking of that icy water. The way it had seemed to trap my body made me cringe, I had no control under the water.

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