Chapter Six: The anger within

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Kylos pov
I slid my helmet back on with shaking hands, anger was stirring so strongly inside of me that I could barely control it. I took out my light saber and ignited it. It buzzed with power and illuminated the hallway in an eerie red glow. I took it out on the first thing I saw which happened to be the wall. I swung my saber at it with such force that the saber glided through it like it was butter. I slashed and slashed until the wall didn't even resemble a wall anymore. I deactivated my lightsaber and hooked it back onto my belt. Some of my anger had dissolved but I still felt unstable.

Who did Aerolynn think she was talking to me like that? Like she was higher than me. I had rescued her from the planet where she would have died a nobody, eventually becoming a part of the sand that swirled aimlessly on Tatooine. And she was so much more than that, so why didn't she just submit to me? I could train her into something magnificent, but she was just so stubborn. Almost as stubborn as me, I thought with a wry smile.

I walked away from the mess I had made and down the hall, I made my way to the front of the ship, looking for a distraction. "Whats going on?" I asked the man who was flying the ship. He looked up at me, surprised, he cleared his throat, straightening in his chair.

"Oh, um, nothing much sir, it's been pretty smooth flying for the last few hours." He said. I nodded, and walked away from him. Just then, the door slid open and Hux came bustling in.

"Sir, there's a message from the Resistance. Your presence is requested in the conference room." He said. I looked back at the pilot who was looking at us, worriedly.

"As you were." I said, before following Hux out of the room. We made our way to the conference room, Hux speedily punched in the code and the door slid open. The room was already full of members of the board.

"Kylo Ren." The leader of the board said, "may we play the message now?" He asked, looking up at me expectantly, a hint of annoyance apparent on his features. I nodded and took my seat at the head of the table. The leader... councilman Fatina, reached out to the device in front of him and clicked the button, a hologram popped up above it, it flickered for a moment before steadying. I recognized the figure almost immediately. It was general Leia Organa. My stomach dropped and I suddenly couldn't breathe. I was glad that I had my mask on in fear that if I didnt the council would be able to see my moment of weakness upon seeing my mother.

She turned, and I could tell she was uncomfortable, she looked into the invisible camera and started to speak. "This message is directed towards Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren. I am general Leia Organa of the Resistance. We are advising that you give the girl from Tatooine that you have kidnapped to us. Aerolynn Edina has great power and would be better working for the Resistance than the First Order. If you don't give her to us in an orderly manner in two weeks we'll be coming to get her with force soon after. Thank you, and please consider our message." She said, the message then flickered out and faded away.

The council looked at me. But I was still frozen, my mothers image was still branded inside of my mind. It was the first time I had seen her since I had killed her husband, and my father. The memory made me want to puke or thrash out at someone all at the same time. She used my First Order name, Kylo Ren, rather than the name she used for me Ben Solo. I could tell the name was strange on her tongue, the way her eyebrows knitted together when she said it made my insides twist as if they were noodles on a fork.

"I say we give her to them, we don't know of the girls power, yet, and she has proven to be rebellious." Councilwoman Obijila said. A few members nodded at her, considering her words.

"I agree, the girl has caused nothing but trouble in the minimal amount of time she has been on the base. She is a nuisance." General Hux said. I slammed my hand against the table so hard I had left a spidweb trail of cracks in the glass.

"We will do no such thing. Supreme Leader Snoke has tasked me with the job of training her into obedience, and I will do so in such a way that she will be one of the best military weapons that the First Order has to offer." I said.

"Kylo Ren, are you really going to risk an attack from the Resistance for a poor girl-" Hux started.

"Do you doubt my abilities, Hux?" I asked, adding acidity to my every word.

"No, but I don't believe you should put the First Order on the line all for a girl from Tatooine." Hux said, and before I knew what I was doing my hand was out and I was using the force to strangle him. Hux was lifted out of his seat, his face turning an odd shade of purple.

"Kylo Ren!" Fatina said, I didn't listen, but instead tightened my force grip. Hux clawed at his neck, leaving gnarly looking red marks on his skin. He let out a few strangled whimpers, his eyes starting to turn red. "Kylo Ren, stop this foolish behavior immediately!" Fatina said. I let go of Hux and he came crashing back down to his seat, spluttering and coughing. I rolled my eyes... drama queen.

"We will not give Aerolynn Edina to the Resistance, instead, I will prepare her to fight if they do come, just in case, regardless of the fact that she will be in a secure location upon their arrival. We will test her powers and help her use them for us. And if the Resistance does decide to so foolishly come to the Star Killer Base we can defeat their puny army, it won't take much." I said. "And that is final." I confirmed before quickly walking out of the room. Ignoring General Hux's angry calls behind me.

OOH!!! DRAAAAMA. that was a hard chapter to write and honestly I have no idea why. I've been trying to update more since with school and track I know I wont be able to do it as much. So I hope you guys enjoyed this double feature. And tell me in the comments if you think I portrayed Kylo Ren correctly. Okay, until next time, friends. :)

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