Chapter Thirty one: Bonded

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Kylo's pov 

I slowly brought our ship to the ground, gently enough not to awaken Aerolynn who was slumbering softly in the copilot seat. I looked down at her as the sun kissed down on her face through the window. I admired her beauty, from her dark brown hair that sometimes shone red in the sunlight, to her cheeks that had a natural light pink hue that deepened as she became happy or flustered.

I watched as her eyes flickered as her dream played out behind her eyelids. I only felt affection when I looked at her and I wondered how I was lucky enough to find someone like her. Someone that completed me, who made me happy in ways I didn't even know I could be.

I just wished I could give her the life she deserved. She deserved to be happy, with a man who could make her that way. One that would be able to part with his job to spend time with her, who would be able to commit everything to her, a man who would be able to put her first.

"Aerolynn." I whispered, stroking her face and tugging on a piece of her hair. Her hair was always so soft, of course not as soft as mine, nothing was, but still...

Aerolynns eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to look at me, her eyes moving around the room before settling on me. She smiled lazily, her eyes beginning to shut again.

"No, no, no." I said, standing up and grabbing her hands, "up we go." I lifted her off of her seat and she stumbled into my chest, I steadied her by placing my hands on her hips, she involuntarily shivered, leaning into me.

"I was having a good dream." Aerolynn said, dazily, collecting her things and strapping her backpack onto her back. I walked over to her, placing a kiss on her lips. She smiled up at me as I kissed her once on the bridge of her nose and then again right above her eyebrow.

"And what were you dreaming about, my love?" I asked her, stroking her back gently. She grinned, her eyes half-lidded as if she was trying to remember all of it before she told me.

"Us." She responded, I smiled, kissing her once again before pressing the button that unlatched the door. As it opened a breeze of sweet smelling air swept through the ship and Aerolynn scrunched her nose at the foreign smell.

Sunlight streamed through the now open ship and with it came the smell of fresh air, trees and water.

We walked outside and Aerolynn gasped, taking in the different greens and blues the planet had to offer. Her eyes sparkled almost as much as the lake next to us as she observed her surroundings.

I had only ever been to Naboo once before, with my mother for a work meeting, I barely remember anything from that trip though because I was so young, but this, this I remembered, this I couldn't forget.

We had landed right next to a large lake that was surrounded by trees. Just beyond the lake I could see where we'd be staying, it was a palace like place, with large doors and tan walls, the structure was very whimsical, with long towers and spiral columns. This was the place my grandparents had gotten married, and the place we would too.

Of course, I didn't agree with my grandparents marriage, it led my grandfather to become weak. But I had more trust in Aerolynn, I knew she made me strong. And besides, if this place was secret enough for no one to find them then I knew it was secret enough for no one to find us.

"This is beautiful." Aerolynn muttered, as I took her hand and led her outside. We were in the lake retreat of Lake Country Naboo, the air around us was crisp and cool, a sign that fall was approaching or already here, I didn't even care to check anymore.

"We have to change." I said, leading her back onto the ship and taking out the extra clothes I had packed for us.

"Why?" She asked, starting to undo the buttons on her shirt, I averted my wanting gaze, focusing on getting changed myself. I knew Aerolynn could feel the want rolling off of me and out of the corner of my eyes I could see her smirk, but I ignored her, grounding me teeth together I stepped out of my pants.

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