Chapter Twelve: The Resistance

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I groaned at the pounding of my head, it radiated throughout my skull in a painful pulse only I could feel. I slowly lifted my head and my eyes fluttered open, taking in my surroundings.
I was in a dank cell that smelt earthy, the air hung heavily around me and I could see moss growing in a corner of the room. I was shoved against the far north wall, the room wasn't that big, maybe only a few feet long, but thick bar cells separated me from the hallway that fostered many other holding cells.
I wondered where I was when suddenly everything came flooding back to me. The fight in the hangar, the Resistance soldiers, and then the end of a gun smashing into my head. I lifted my hand up to my head, my fingers stroking the bump on the back of my skull that was sleek with what must have been blood. I let out a groan as pain prickled through me, hoping I didn't have brain damage.
I was so distracted with evaluating what happened that I didn't see the figure sitting on the small bed that was attached to the wall. I gasped, trying to lean away from her but I was met with the cold wall, I was trapped.
"Hello Aerolynn." The woman said, she was an older woman, wrinkles formed around her mouth and eyes, and she had grey swept up into her elaborate braid that curled around the back of her head. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown, almost like Kylo's...
"Where am I? And how do you know my name?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse.
"You're on the Resistance bass, My name is Leia Organa, and please, child, there is no time for meaningless talk." She said, "I'm here to discuss with you, my son." She said, her tone very matter-of-fact.
"Why would you want to talk about your son with me?" I asked, sitting up slightly and wincing in the way my body responded to the pain.
"Because your probably the only person he trusts." She said, eyeing my slumped form.
"I'm sorry, but who are you even talking about?" I asked, not in the mood for guessing. She frowned at how snarky my response was but I didn't care, I was in too much pain to care about some random lady who wanted to talk about her strange son.
"My son is Ben... Kylo Ren." She said, straightening at the mention of her son, "and I need you to bring him back to me." She said. "I feel a conflict in him and I don't believe Snoke has snuffed out all the light. There's still good in him, Aerolynn, and if you help us we could bring him back.We'd bring you back to the Starkiller base and you'd try to help him see the light inside of him, I know you could do it" She said.
I scoffed, "who says Kylo wants to be brought back?" I asked, leaning my head against the rough wall, and then wincing as it touched the sore spot on my head, I really should get that checked out...
"Because I know my son." She said, her mouth forming into a straight line, "if you help us, then we may be able to bring him back to the Resistance, and if we can do that then we may be able to bring down the First Order once and for all" She said, reaching down and placing her hand on my knee. I flinched away from her touch, letting her hand fall away, her touch reminded me of my mother, it brought a sharp ache to my heart that made tears spark in my eyes.
"I won't, Kylo has been the only friend I've had on that ship, I want him to be able to trust me, I won't betray him like that." I said, biting down on my lower lip, it was cracked and dry, I wondered when the last time I drank water was...
"Then we have no choice but to keep you here." She said, standing up.
"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked, trying to stand, but my body ached too much in protest so I slumped back down in defeat. Leia clasped her hands together in front of her, looking down at me with a look of disappointment in her brown eyes. She had eyes that contended with her age, they were full of the same life I imagined a small child's would have.
"I mean, you're too important just to get rid of you, from now on you'll be a part of the Resistance, and if you don't comply we'll keep you down here with the rats." She said, her words had an edge to them. "But that would be an awfull waste of your talents, dont you think?" She asked, before turning on her heel and starting to open the cell door with a key that was jumbled up in a ring with many other keys.
"Wait." I said, she stopped fumbling with the keys, and instead turned her head slightly, waiting for me to finish, "If you knew I had powers why didn't you at least cuff me, I could have hurt you." I said, flicking my dark hair out of my face, as it had fallen into my eyes.
"Because I don't need to know you very well to know that you, my dear, are good." She said, giving me a smile, before walking out of the cell, the sound of her shoes clicking against the cobblestones bouncing against the walls.

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