Chapter Fourteen: Vulnerabilty

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I ran my hands through my hair, wiping my face with a towel after thoroughly splashing my face with cold water. By now, I had convinced myself that whatever encounter I had with Kylo Ren must have been purely from my mind being shrouded in exhaustion or a dream, it had to be a dream. It was impossible that I had talked to him, he was just a dream, a figment of my imagination brought to life so that I could get some emotional closure.

"Hey Aerolynn, Rey needs you on the Falcon." Someone said through the door.

"Okay!" I called back before gathering my things and swinging on my backpack. I half-ran down the hallway, trying to put as much space as I could between my room and I. I knew what happened last night wasn't real but thinking about it made my stomach churn.

I went out to where all the ships were lined up, stopping at the Falcon. Everyone was waiting outside to bid us farewell, even Leia.

"Be safe, Aerolynn, and make sure to keep Rey in line." She said, before giving me a quick hug, tears stung at my eyes. Leia reminded me so much of my mother, the way she caressed my hair, and her motherly ways, how when she spoke her voice held so much passion and love.

"Of course." I said, squeezing her arm, gently. Next person who was in line to hug me was Finn, I could see tears swirling around in his dark brown eyes.

"Please don't die out there." He said in my ear as he engulfed me into his arms. I breathed in his smell of spice and something else I couldn't describe.

"I'll try not to." I said, smiling, but he just frowned, looking down at me sadly, I straightened, sobering up my expression, "but seriously, Finn. I promise I'll come back." I reassured him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back.
"I'm going to hold you to that." He said, pointing at me, before smiling and walking off to go hug Rey. Suddenly arms were wrapped around my waist and pulling me up and off of the ground, I squealed, falling onto the chest of the person who was holding me.

"Make sure to find that guy, and when you do, make sure you take his ass and haul him back to us with your cool electric fingers." Poe said, twirling me around and wrapping me into his arms.

I laughed, "Of course, and when I do, I'll make sure to thank Poe Dameron for getting me this far." I said, nudging his shoulder.

"Well, I mean you must for the sake of the universe." He said, I started to walk off.

"Bye Poe." I said, waving him off, he only grinned and waved back at me. I said goodbye to a few other people before joining Rey in the cockpit of the ship. Rey had taught me how to fly one over the few weeks that I had been here.

"You ready?" She asked, flipping a few switches above her. I nodded, before strapping myself into my seat. "Take off in, 5. 4. 3. 2. 1" She said, pulling back on the joystick, suddenly we were hovering up and into the air, the Resistance members down below each waved to us, and I waved back, smiling.

But then we shot up into the air, the base disappearing into the rocks it hid in, as we got farther and farther away. The people turned to the size of ants as they all returned back to what they were doing before.

"Jumping to lightspeed." Rey said, before pushing a button, "brace yourself." She said, grinning, a small dimple popped up in her cheek as she flipped a lever and suddenly the world around us turned into a blur of blue light. I was thrown to the back of my seat, my stomach getting left behind somewhere. I let out a scream of delight as we slowed down, stopping in the middle of space. Stars were all glimmering around us, and it was beautiful, I had never seen something so amazing, before.

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