Chapter Nineteen: The Force

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Aerolynn's pov 

I stuck my hand out, watching my electricity dance between my fingertips. It was mesmerizing, really, I could watch it for hours.

Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist, and someone kissed my cheek. I smiled, turning around and facing Kylo, who was grinning down at me.

"I have a surprise for you." He said into my ear, his voice low and throaty. I smirked, gazing up at him. I still couldn't believe he was mine, that I could call him my own. "Follow me." He said, gripping at my hand.

He pulled me through the hallways, one after the next, it all looked briefly similar but if you left me alone and told me to find my way back I'd get lost.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my words had a strange echo to them, my eyebrows drew together, confused.

But Kylo didn't answer me and instead pulled me forward again, but this time to a place I did recognize. Snokes throne room.

I tried to tug against his hold on me but it was ineffective and he pulled me inside. My jaw dropped at what... or more as who was in front of me.

"Mom, Dad, Kaito, Baden, what are you doing here?" I asked, I wanted to run to them but Kylo was keeping me a few feet away. I tried to pry my arm away from him but he had locked on so tightly that I wanted to cry out in pain.

"They're here for you." Someone said, I recognized his voice, Snoke. I cringed as I turned towards the throne and saw him sitting there in all his shriveled glory.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to rip Kylo off of me, he had moved from just holding my arm to wrapping his arms around me, keeping me against his chest. But it was in vain, I didn't compare to his strength. 

"They're here to show you how you failed." Snoke said, he was feet away from me, but it was as if he had said it right next to my ear.

Suddenly, they all collapsed, crumpling to the floor. I let out a scream, nearly falling against Kylo.

"They're here to show you what happens when you fall in love with a monster. With darkness." He said, I let out another scream, now full-fledge kicking and thrashing in Kylo's arm. "But they aren't the only ones going to get hurt." Snoke said.

Then, Kylo's grip on me disappeared, I turned around and he too was on the ground, unconscious, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

I shrieked, sinking to my knees, I tried to touch him but he started to turn to smoke, until he was nothing.

"You cant change destiny, Aerolynn." Snoke said.


I suddenly sat up, blinking the sleep from my eyes. I gazed around the room, disoritented, until finally my eyes settled on Kylo. He was fully dressed, but he didnt have his mask on. He was at the edge of the bed, looking down at me.

It eerily reminded me of when he awoke me from my other nightmare, that was also oddly similar to the one I had tonight. 

"You were having a nightmare, are you alright?" He asked, concern seeping into his voice. I opened my mouth to say I was fine, but a sob escaped my lips instead.

Kylo walked over to me, awkwardly wrapping an arm around my shoulders and rubbing my back. He really wasn't one to seek out when wanting comfort. 

"I saw it." He said, continuing to rub my shoulder. "I saw your nightmare. It was about me and your family." He said.

I continued to cry, unable to speak. Flashes of the nightmare continued to stream through my mind, I bowed my head, guilt stabbing at me.

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