Chapter Twenty One: Fire and Ice

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Kylo's POV 

I gripped the joystick so tightly that my knuckles turned white, or I assumed they did, not that I could tell since I was wearing gloves...

I sighed, looking out at the incredible scenery ahead of me. It shouldn't have fascinated me since I had been flying since practically before I could walk, but I could never get tired of the vastness of space. It never ceased to relax me, whenever my mind was an angry swirling mess I'd think of what it would be like to be flying in that very moment and I'd be calm. 

I mean, what could you expect from the son of a pilot? 

But I hadn't had to use that method in a while, because now I had Aerolynn. She seemed to work better than any star or comet ever could.

I glanced to my side, where she was snoring lightly. If it were anyone else it would have bugged me and I would have probably splashed water on her to awaken her, but instead I took off my cape and placed it around her shoulders to keep her warm.

It was wrong, it was so wrong. After she had told me that we couldn't be together my feelings for her had only grown not decreased like they should have. And I knew hers hadn't either, she was just better at lying to herself than I was.

I chewed at my lower lip, imagining what it'd be like to feel her lips there instead of my teeth. I clenched my jaw angrily, I wanted her so bad. I wanted to love her, to kiss her, to call her my own. But she could never be mine.

And even if we could she still would choose otherwise. She had too much self control. Where as I had trouble not ravishing her whenever my eyes would lock on hers and she'd draw me in with those chocolate beauties. She knew who I was, a monster, a murderous snake. She'd never want to be with me for those reasons. But I wanted her so badly...

I cringed at my own thoughts. I was a dark knight, apprentice to Snoke, future Supreme Leader, I shouldn't have been thinking this way. It would only cause trouble for the both of us. Without even trying to Aerolynn could easily pull me over to the light, which was a dangerous thing.

She had me in the palm of her hand and she didn't even know it.

I drummed my gloved fingers against the steering wheel, not letting my mind go to autopilot mode, which it normally did since I was so comfortable in the pilots seat. This way if I was attentive I could stay distracted. If I wasn't, I'm sure my mind would lead back to Arrolynn. A place I shouldn't have even been venturing into.

Aerolynn let out a sigh and snuggled into her seat. She wrapped my cape tighter around her shoulders, her brown hair falling into her face. I reached over and gently pushed it out of the way, my hand, as if it had a mind of its own, started to trail its way down her cheek, I snatched my fingers away before I could get too carried away.

I swore under my breath at my weakness. This was getting out of hand.

I had nearly lost all control last night when I couldn't seem to stop myself from getting so close to her that our lips brushed.

I had fun teasing her, for using her affection for me as a thing to prod at her with, tempting her, but I never would've thought the tables would turn and I would have been the one getting teased.

And then, the next day when she had made me zip up her body suit... I was practically aching with desire. Every nerve in my body wanted to push the fabric to the side and place a heavy kiss on her neck, but I knew she'd only lash out.

She'd be angry, denying our feelings for each other, and for me that was worse than any punishment Snoke had ever given me...

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