Chapter Twenty Eight: Unsaid phrases

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Aerolynn's pov

I turned my spoon around and around inside my soup, somehow a little before this I had lost my will to eat and now I just felt sick at the thought.

"Mind if I sit here?" Someone asked, I looked up and saw that same Officer that interrupted me and Kylo two weeks ago, and summoned us to that meeting. The one that looked so familiar.

"Yeah, sure." I said, moving over so that he'd have more room at the cafeteria table.

I had come here to eat out my feelings after another training session with the terrible two. Today Kylo has dueled Tiberius and had best him, of course. And I dueled with Vera, she was rapidly increasing in her training, her ability to use the force only increased her progress and I feared she'd soon be up to my level.

Which would be another thing to attract Kylo. On top of her being able to defend herself pretty well, and her obvious beauty, if she could win me in a duel, that'd prove that she really was better than me.

She had been trying to grab Kylos attention this whole week. She'd ask for extra time with him whenever she could and would try and get her hands on him whenever the opportunity presented itself.

I didn't think I was jealous person, I didn't think I ever needed to be. But now that Vera was in the picture it seemed to always be in my feelings, poking at me, and filling my head with the worst thoughts possible.

I could tell she could sense my jealousy, both her and Tiberius probably could. Their force abilities were also increasing and I was always fearing that they were reading my mind during our training. I feared that they'd be able to find out that Kylo and I actually had something.

But during our training I remained completely neutral towards Kylo regardless of the burning jealousy I had towards him and Vera. So I had no idea why Vera kept looking at me like I was going to take Kylo away from her.

The worst part of it all, I thought, was that I couldn't tell anyone about my problems, considering the problem I had concerned the one person that I trusted on the base. I wanted to talk to Kylo about the siblings, but I knew I'd sound jealous and needy, and besides, I couldn't have an opinion because technically I wasn't involved romantically with Kylo anymore.

The sound of someone biting into something pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned to my side where that officer was, biting into a multicolored fruit.

"I'm so sorry, but do I know you from somewhere?" I asked, continuing to stir my now cold soup with my spoon.

"I was waiting for you to figure it out." The officer said, turning towards me. I studied his features until finally it sunk in.

"Astrid?" I managed to gasp out, he nodded and I dropped my spoon, it clattered loudly to the floor.

I wrapped my arms around him, unable to contain myself. I was angry that I hadn't recognized him sooner, he was my best friend when I was younger I didn't know why I didn't.

Astrid and I met when I was seven years old and he was eight, at the market. Some man had stolen a loaf of bread straight out of his hand and I gave the man a little shock as he passed by that made him drop to the floor and I grabbed the bread and gave it back to its rightful owner. After that we had started to hang out, playing things like tag in the streets of our village. He was one of the only people who knew about my electricity outside of my family.

"You have not changed." I said, leaning away, my eyes roaming his face, the last time I saw him was when I was fifteen, six years ago. His father had been recruited to be an officer for the First Order and I was sure that once he left I'd never see him again, but here we were, in a place I'd never thought we'd be in six years ago.

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