Chapter Three: Snoke's apprentice

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Authors note: The look of annoyance on Kylo's face as he see's General Hux come through the doors is priceless. Okay, enjoy the read:)

Kylos pov
I stormed out of the room, leaving Aerolynn sobbing loudly behind me. Anger was radiating off of me in waves and I knew that if I didnt get out of that room right then and there something worse would have happened to her than just suffocation.

I walked down the hallway, hoping to put as much space between her and I as humanly possible. I didnt know what it was but whenever I was close to her I would feel this almost magnetic pull towards her, like I had to be next to her, accompanied by a feeling of euphoria. I wondered if it was because of her powers but whatever it was it made me want more.

Her image was still plastered inside my mind. With her dark brown hair and fair skin, the way her mesmerizing brown eyes gazed into mine sent shivers down my spine. She was attractive, I'd give her that, but how annoyed I got with her disobedience overruled that. I was about to go find someone to harm to distract myself from Aerolynn when all of a sudden a storm trooper came up to me.

"Kylo Ren, sir, Supreme Leader Snoke has asked me to tell you to come meet with him in his Throne Room." He said, folding his hands behind his back, nervously. All stormtroopers got anxious around me, which I enjoyed, it was nice to see them squirm nervously in my presence.

I nodded, turning on my heel in the direction of Snokes throne room. I looked back at the stormtrooper who was still fiddling with himself in the hallway. "Don't just stand there, go back to what you were doing." I commanded, my voice dripping with authority.

"Of course, sir. Right away, sir." The trooper stuttered before busying himself with leaving. I smirked behind my mask before hurrying off to Snokes quarters. I got to the large double doors that two Praetorian guards in red were blocking. They moved to open the doors almost immediately, nodding to me as I went in. Once the doors closed behind me I took off my mask and placed it next to me as I kneeled in front of Snoke's throne.

"Kylo Ren..." Snoke said, I looked up at him, my dark hair falling into my eyes.

"Supreme Leader." I said, biting back the annoyance that threatened to spill into my voice. I hated Snoke, all he did was sit on his throne all day and bark useless orders. He barely knew what was going on in the First Order, I was the one who made all the important decisions. If anything I should have been Supreme Leader, but I was still just Snoke's apprentice not that he taught me much. I went to my grandfather, Darth Vader, when I needed guidance in the ways of the dark side.

"How's the girl, whats her name? Evelyn?"

"Aerolynn." I corrected him a little too sharply. Snoke glared down at me with his beady eyes, I cleared my throat, heat rising up my cheek bones. "The girl is being defiant, she doesn't want to be a part of the First Order." I said. Snoke soaked in my words, rubbing at his scarred and wrinkled chin with his long and bony fingers.

"That shouldn't be a problem for you, Kylo, you can teach her the ways of the dark side, and if she doesn't listen use violence. That has always seemed to work for you in the past." Snoke said. I clenched my jaw tightly.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." I said, looking down at the floor so he couldn't see my expression.

"In fact, I'm assigning you to be her trainer. You can train her to be a military weapon, teach her how to use her powers correctly, and how to use self-defense, we have no one else like her in the First Order and I do believe that we can really make an impact using her during battle." Snoke said, leaning forwards, his knobby hands clutching at the arm rests.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." I repeated.

"Now go, Kylo Ren, I'm bored looking at you." He said, leaning back in his throne. I stood up, giving him a slight nod, before picking up my helmet and placing it back on. I hurried out of the room, it didnt matter that that room was the biggest one on the ship I still felt claustrophobic when I was inside of it.

I made my way down a series of hallways before finally getting to my room. I punched in a code and went in, sitting on the edge of the bed. I took off my helmet and ruffled my hair before placing my elbows on my knees and putting my head in my hands. I didn't know how long I was sitting there for but it must have been for hours, because just then the door slid open and General Hux came in looking flustered, his face was a bright red color that nearly matching his hair.

"Hux, what the hell do you think your doing in here?" I yelled standing up.

"Im sorry." He said, rolling his eyes, clearly annoyed, "but I thought you would like to know that the girl has escaped."

Dun, dun, dun! Aerolynn's escaped! I hope you guys liked this chapter because it really was a fun one to write. Although I am stressing Kylo Ren's thoughts and actions becuase I want him to be as realistic as he is in the movies. But until next time, friends :)

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