Chapter Seven: Testing

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Aerolynn's pov
I awoke to the feeling of needles being removed from my arm. I opened my eyes which felt swollen and glued shut thanks to my crying fit I had shortly after Kylo Ren had left. I looked up and saw a small and squat man in a lab coat putting a new bandage over the wound on my stomach while another doctor, a woman, was wiping down my arm where the IV once was.

"Whats going on?" I asked, my voice cracking, my throat felt so dry, I hadn't drank anything since I had been here and I felt parched.

"We're doing some testing for your powers so that we can ready you for your training with Kylo Ren." The male doctor said.

"What do you mean training with Kylo Ren?" I asked, sitting up slightly in the bed, ignoring my aching muscles that begged me not to. The female doctor whose name tag said Octavia gave the other doctor a worried look. The male doctor whose name was Darren looked down at me through his thick glasses.

"Well, Kylo Ren has decided that he wants to train you to make you be a better warrior, you know, to reach your full potential." He said. I sat up, fully, my stomach throbbing, making me grit my teeth.

"No way, I am not going to go through training with that monster." I said, starting to fumble at the sheets that were entangled in my legs. I had to get out of there, maybe if I could summon enough power I could jump start a ship? But then the doctors had there hands on me and were starting to push me down and back on the bed.

"No please don't do this." I gasped, I didnt want to blast them with my energy but if I needed to I would. I promised myself I wasn't going to become a murderer like Kylo Ren but I had already killed four people while I was here, and I hadn't even been here a full three days yet. I was scared that just being here was already making me start to change, the thought made goosebumps raise along my bare arms.

"Im sorry, Ms. Edina, but it's not up to us." He said, struggling to hold me down as I tried my best to fight them off. The cuffs weren't on my hands anymore but I didn't doubt that they weren't going to come on in a few seconds. I was still squirming under their grasp when all of a sudden I couldn't move at all. I grit my teeth realizing who was doing this to me.

"Kylo Ren." I growled, at that same moment he came in, wearing his full armor and helmet again, his hands weren't even out indicating that he was keeping me here with the force. But I knew it was him with the small tell he had, the tiniest flutter moved through his hand while he used the force.

"I'd advise you stop struggling, Aerolynn." He said, "You'd be making things a lot easier." I still tried to fight against him but the pressure on me was slowly increasing and then I was wheezing for air. "Are you finally ready to submit?" He asked, I glared up at him through my eyelashes.

"Never." I stated, he scoffed behind his mask and released his force hold on me, and I could finally take a deep breath of air.

"You will." He said, not an ounce of doubt in his voice, "but for now change into these," he said, gesturing to the pile of clothes that the nurse had left on the side of the bed before she had left. He turned on his heel and was about to leave when he then turned back to me, his hand on the door. "Oh, and I'll be right outside waiting for you, so don't try anything stupid." He said before leaving.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I muttered, before rolling my eyes and pulling the blankets off of me. I stretched my arms out above my head, glad to relieve my sore muscles. I lifted up my shirt revealing my stomach, I glanced down at it, removing some of the bandage, to get a better look, it didn't look terrible, the First Orders medical staff must have been incredible if it was already mostly healed. There was still a giant red gash were I was hit but there wasn't a large gaping hole in my midsection so I took that as a good sign.

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