Chapter Thirty Eight: Suffocate

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This chapter switches from Ben's to Aerolynns perspective a lot

Bens pov

"Ready my ship." I growled, storming out of the room, my anger rolling off of me in waves. The world around me seemed to be shaking, vibrating, all I could see was red. My vision was clouded polluted with the image of Aerolynn in that mans clutches, picturing her pale complexion and her expression of fear made my stomach plunge and my body tense.

"Sir, what do we do, are we surrendering?" One of the people in council called after me as I fled down the hall practically running at that point, my cape fluttering out behind me.

"The First Order doesn't surrender, councilman." I said through gritted teeth, "considering how long you've been here I figured your already knew as much. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a First Order Empress to save." I said before walking off, leaving him gaping behind me.

Once I was out of his line of sight I started to walk even faster to my room, my feet barely hitting the floor before I was taking another step. I probably looked odd to any stormtroopers or officers as I walked by but in the moment I didn't care, the only thing that mattered was that my wife and unborn child were mercilessly being put into harm's way and I couldn't let it continue. I had to save them, I had to save my family.

I got to the door of my room, punching in the code quicker than I ever have before. Without even waiting for it to close behind me I started to throw open drawers, throwing anything I'd possibly need into my duffel bag, my eyes stinging with angry tears as my mind dwelled upon Aerolynn. It was my fault she was kidnapped, I should have been able to protect her, to save her.

But I didn't, instead I was passed out on top of the stage thanks to poisoned champagne.

Not only do I have to worry about Aerolynn though but I have to worry about our unborn child. I cared about that kid more than I felt like I should have considering I haven't even met the thing, but I don't know whenever I thought about it I got this warm feeling inside my chest, the same feeling I got whenever Aerolynn was close by, one that made me feel happy and safe all at once.

I continued to pack my bag, shaking my head. I had to focus, lord knows what that monster was doing to Aerolynn, and the longer we waited the longer he had with her, which was the exact opposite of what I wanted.

I quickly zipped up my bag and practically threw it onto the droid who'd be bringing it to my ship. With what sounded like an angry beep he took my bag and zoomed away, chirping to himself.

"Droids." I muttered, starting to walk down the hall, my fingers tapping anxiously at my thighs as I went. It was a nervous tick I had developed when I was still in the jedi training program with Luke, when I was still a padawan. The constant want to be perfect and the pull to the darkside continuously both nagged at me, so to help myself cope I started to tap.

Being Supreme Leader, my mind was always too busy to start up the habit again, but considering all the stress I was under and the pressure I was putting on myself to find Aerolynn, amd bring her back and keep the First Order safe was all starting to wear on me, and my subconscious was just trying to cope.

I clenched my hands together to stop myself and continued to walk down the hallway at my rapid pace, my eagerness to get into the ship and fly to Aerolynn growing with every step I took.

I sucked in a breath as I saw the ship being readied for take off. Last minute work being done on one of the exterior wings by people in orange jumpsuits. I felt a blanket of calm settle over me, so maybe things would work out. Although, I knew our chances, and I never was an optimist...

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