Chapter Twenty Nine: Long live the Supreme Leader

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Aerolynn's pov 

"Snoke." I said, the word making my blood run cold. I shivered in Kylo's arms and he pressed me closer to him, his body was warm against mine but it didn't stop the deep cold that ran throughout the inner workings of my system, sending a deep chill through me.

"Snoke." Kylo confirmed. I could feel the fear pulsing through me, threatening to consume me whole. I swallowed, looking up at him, his eyes were wide and his face had gone pale. He was clutching at my waist so tightly like he was scared to let go.

"I have to bring you to him." Kylo said, his voice trembling. My mouth was suddenly dry, this was the exact thing we had both been fearing for the whole time we had been together, it was inevitable now. I wanted to cry, or scream, or sob, but I didn't. I had to stay strong for him. I didn't want his last memory of me to be tear stricken.

"I know," I whispered, he opened his mouth to say something else but I silenced him with a kiss. It was a desperate kiss, one that had every ounce of want I had poured into it. One that showed how much I loved him. His hands ran down my back, settling at my hips and squeezing them lightly. I tried to fall into the kiss, to get lost in it, but the constant thought that Snoke was awaiting our arrival prevented any type of relaxation. I pulled away from him first, something I never did.

"I can't help you escape because Snoke has guards at every entry and exit we'd be exiled before we were even outside." He murmured, looking down at me with a broken expression.

"We'll be okay." I said, lacing my hands together with his. The words were probably wrong, I was sure that when Kylo left that throne room that I wouldn't be with him. It'd make sense to kill me, I wasn't that valuable and I've only created more problems than I have prevented since I've been here. But killing Kylo would be idiotic. He is the strongest man here, the Supreme Leaders apprentice, and leader to the Knights of Ren, he's too valuable. I'm just a girl from a forgotten planet, as I always was, and as I always will be.

"I'm sorry I got you into all of this, sometimes I wish I just left you on Tatooine." He said, I laughed, a short little laugh that sounded more like a sob.

"Then I would never have met you." I said, gazing into his hazel eyes. He pressed our foreheads together, closing his eyes and inhaling sharply.

"Whatever happens, remember I love you." He said. I smiled at those words, it was strange to hear them, to know that he felt that strongly about me, to know that he felt the same way towards me that I felt about him.

He then pulled away and grabbed my hand, winding it together with his own we made our way down the hallway. The nagging feeling that I was approaching my death tugged at me making me feel nauseous. I wanted to run, to rip Kylo's hand from mine and flee, but I couldn't leave him. I wouldn't be able to convince myself to. And besides, what would it matter, I'd get shot down quickly, the least I could do is die with pride, or at least with some moderate dignity.

We passed by a group of stormtroopers who looked at our conjoined hands. Kylo gave them a deadly glare and they all immediately looked up, in sync, as if they were on the same brain wave. Normally I'd feel self-conscious if someone saw Kylo and I's relationship, but now I couldn't care less. I had nothing to lose anymore. I was just glad I got to enjoy the feeling of his hand against mine before I wouldn't be able to anymore.

Kylo ran his finger down my palm, while another rubbed soothing circles into the back of my hand meant to calm me but it didn't work.

We turned down a hall and what we ran into made me laugh and Kylo's eyebrows shoot to the ceiling. It was Hux, but he wasn't alone. There was a girl pressed against him, his lips assaulting hers. But she was enjoying it, her hands were roaming his chest and she was making a noise that didn't sound human.

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