Chapter Nine: Training

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I awoke in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar bed. I stretched my arms out above me, feeling stiff and sore. I looked around at my surroundings. It was a mostly black room, with dark tiles and dark walls, with a large window overlooking the outside world... or space? There was a table on one side of the room with glasses and an assortment of different colored drinks that I decided I wouldn't dabble with, and there was another door that was slightly ajar revealing what I assumed to be a bathroom. The last thing I could remember was being tested by the horrendous scientist doctor man and then an extreme pain flowing through my body, and then blackness.

"Who's room is this?" I muttered to no one in particular, standing up and walking over to the window. I gazed out of it, watching TIE fighters enter and exit the starkiller base. I looked at the stars, remembering the time when Kato, Baden, and I would try and count as many as we could, and whoever got the highest number in five minutes won. Tears stung at my eyes as I recalled the memory. I sighed, pressing my fingers to the cool glass.

"Aerolynn," someone said, I turned around quickly, my heart slamming against my ribcage. I was met with Kylo Ren, his presence in the room made the air feel eerily heavy. I straightened, stepping away slightly from the window. The anger for him was still burning deeply inside of me, I hadn't forgotten what he did to me and my family, I would never forget, meaning I would never forgive him and think of him as anything besides a monster.

"Kylo Ren." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I wasn't in the outfit I had went to testing in, but an oversized black shirt that hung off of my wiry build, I wondered who's shirt this was, and when I had changed, but more importantly, who had changed me?

"I'd like you to shower and change into the training clothes I have left for you in the bathroom, and then meet me outside. I will escort you to the training room where I will be training you for two hours each day." He said. I nodded at his words, and he turned on his heel leaving the room. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was keeping in, leaning against the wall for support.

I did what I was told and went into the bathroom, I quickly undressed and let out my hair which was in knot at the back of my head, I let it flow down my back, massaging my scalp with my fingers. I looked at the strange clear rectangular box that was next to me, it must have been a shower, I had never seen one in person but I had heard of them back on Tatooine. I had never had the luxury of using one, though.
I fumbled with the lever and the buttons, one minute the water was jutting down at me in ice cold streams and then I jumping back in pain as it became scalding hot. I finally settled on somewhere in between.
I washed myself with the multiple soaps and things that were in the shower. They each smelled divine, some ranging between finely picked roses to a harsh minty smell, I chose the rose scent.
Once I was done showering I got changed in the training clothes which were a plain black tank top and black leggings and then black tennis shoes. I quickly threaded my hair into a tight french braid at the back of my head. I glanced at myself in the mirror before I left, my hand on the door knob.
I stared at the reflection, my breath catching in my throat. I looked like myself, but at the same time, I didn't. There were dark shadows under my eyes and cheekbones that made my face look sharp and angular. My face was washed of all color and my lips were in a tight and flat line, I no longer looked like the bright and bubbly girl I once was. That girl was gone, and replaced by the cold and emotionless one. The angry one. The one that wanted revenge.
I forced myself to look away from the mirror and then went out of the bathroom and to the door. It slid open and I was face to face with a storm trooper. The trooper wasn't tall, around my height, and glanced down at me, scratching at the back of his neck. And although I couldn't see his expression I would have bet money that it was an awkward one.
"Oh, um, hello, Ms. Edina, my name is ED-6578, and I'm here to escort you to the training room." He said in a mechanical voice. But there was something different about it. Although it was quite hard to distinguish thanks to the voice changer I could hear something that differed from the others. It was an innocence, a hope, he wasn't supposed to be here.
"Wheres Kylo Ren?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. It wasn't that I actually wanted him here, I'd much rather have the trooper take me then him but I was generally curious.
"What? He's not in his quarters?" The trooper asked. I looked at him, shrugging my shoulders.
"How am I supposed to know, no one ever tells me anything." I mumbled, tucking a piece of stray hair behind my ear.
"Well, I mean you did just come from them, so I just assumed-" he started but I interrupted him before he could finish.
"Wait, what do you mean? Was that his room?" I asked, jabbing my thumb behind my shoulder and at the room I had just emerged from.
"Yes, ma'am." The trooper said, I felt my mouth drop and I leaned back, stunned. So did he sleep next to me last night? Was he the one that changed me from my clothing? A chill ran through me at the last thought, one that ran deep down into my bones.
"I'm sorry, miss, but we really should get going, we shouldn't make The master of the knights of Ren mad." He said, I rolled my eyes at the title he gave Kylo. He wasn't some noble leader but a tyrant and a duech.
"Oh please, I'm already an ace at that." I said, starting to follow him down the hallway. Ed-6578 laughed a hearty yet mechanical laugh, that echoed around the room.
"I'm going to call you Edward." I said as we turned a corner. "Because your other name is too hard to remember and say whenever I need to say it, and Edward just has a better ring to it." I said.
"Hmm. Edward... I like it." He... Edward said. I smiled, proud of myself.
"Well here we are." Edward said, stopping in front of an unfamiliar door. I nodded and was just about to walk in when I turned around.
"Will I get to see you again?" I asked.
"Maybe, I might be able to escort you again if I get lucky." He said, I smiled at his words.
"I'll be waiting." I said, turning slightly towards the door, "wish me luck." I said.
"Goodbye Aerolynn." He said before turning on his heel.
"Bye Edward." I responded, the last thing I heard before I entered the room was him chuckle in happiness at his newly given name.
The door slid shut loudly behind me, making me flinch.
"Your late." Kylo Ren said, I looked down, mumbling a half- assed sorry.
"Don't let it happen again, I expect you to be on time every day." He said, I looked up at him, realizing his voice wasn't as mechanical as normal. He wasn't wearing his mask, he had it off revealing his handsome features. I stared at him, my cheeks burning.
"Get on the mat." He said, his words making fear plunge deep into my stomach. I gulped and followed him onto the large black mat and into the middle of the white circle.
Kylo Ren jutted his palm out towards me, making me flinch. But nothing happened, then suddenly I felt something wiz past my head, shifting my hair.
Two long wooden sticks slammed into his hand. "Today we will be working on lightsaber technique." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows, crossing my arms.
"If I have my powers why should I need to use a lightsaber?" I asked. Kylo handed me one of the sticks. I grabbed it, it felt awkward in my hands, it was heavy and bulky, one end tilted towards the ground and I struggled to keep it up.
"Because its a good skill to require, don't question my methods, Aerolynn." He scolded, making me bite my lip. I hated how he felt like he had such control over me, it made the anger inside of me flare up to a dangerous amount, threatening to consume me whole.
"Now, hold up the stick, act as if it's an extension of your body. I'll play defense as you play offense, I just want to see where your at. That way I can evaluate you based off of the skills you acquire." He said. I nodded, swallowing down the growing lump in my throat.
I bounced on my toes, clutching at the stick. Kylo got into a fighting stance and I mirrored him to the best of my abilities but I probably ended up looking foolish.
Then I swung at him, haphazardly, I aimed for his ribs but he deflected it easily. I then swung at his legs which he blocked, hitting me square in the gut. I let out a grunt trying to hit at anything but he was too good.
"Your angry." He said, making his stick meet with mine, a loud crack sounding throughout the room. "Use that, manipulate it, and use it as fuel to drive your actions." He said.
I let out a scream through my teeth, his words only annoying me. I shoved my stick at him and he easily dodged it, letting his stick hit my back, pain laced down my backside and I let out a scream, nearly falling. I turned around and pushed my stick towards him, they touched and then we were battling for dominance. He pushed down just as I was pushing up, my muscles flared in protest, my blaster wound throbbing from all the action. Sweat was dripping down my face and I could tell I was failing. But he looked no different then he normally did, his expression was one of complete serenity. That only angered me further. I pushed against his stick, but he responded with pushing me down even further, my knees started to bend and my back ached from being in such an awkward position.
Then I gave up, falling onto my knees, I was breathing hard, and my muscles were shaking from fatigue. I wiped the sweat off of my brow, and looked up at him. He was staring down at me, his dark black locks falling around his face.
"Your performance was below even barely decent." He said, offering me his hand, "you have much improvement to make before you're at the level you should be at." He said. I stood up on my own, ignoring his outstretched hand.
"Why should it even matter, it's not like I'm going out into battle." I said glaring up at him, hating the way he towered over me. The height difference was beyond annoying.
"Because as a warrior of the first order you should know how to fight. He said, taking a step towards me, "and do not talk back, Aerolynn. Don't forget your place here" He said, I bit my tongue to refrain from yelling back at him.
We practice for another two hours, working on technique. I learned a proper hit, and how to deflect a few blows. Kylo would hit me with his pole every time I'd get it wrong. I was hit so many times that I was sure I'd have bruises the next day.
"Alright, that's enough. I'll see you here again tomorrow." Kylo said, I nodded st his words, he put on his helmet, and then walked out of the room, leaving me to sit and reflect on our training session.
Sorry that took a while to publish, I've just been so busy recently!! With track practice (which btw I got a 6:49 mile time for my last meet!) and homework since it's the last quarter of the year my teachers are shoving this huge workload onto all of us. But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time friends!

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