Cute Squishies.

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It was day, so you couldn't leave your cave. You usually spent your free time messing with your feathers or practicing your aim with your fire. But today you just sat at the edge of your little home. Quietly observing the town that wasn't incredibly far away, though it was far enough that the creatures living there couldn't see you.

Looking down you saw one of those creatures. The feathers on the back of your neck quivered with excitement as you watched it. You loved those little squishy creatures so darn much. They were just so Cute! So small and delicate... it made you wonder how they survived in this world.

You realized that you were slipping off the edge of your home a little too late. You shrieked and fell, unable to catch yourself with your wings. You just flopped around in the air before slamming into the ground with a loud thud.

The squishy creature you had been observing watched you fall, it winced when it saw you break the ground with your massive body. It must've heard your shriek and looked up. You couldn't get up and run, unfortunately when you hit the ground you were knocked unconscious.


Raf watched the giant beast thrash around mid-air before crashing painfully into the hard rock that was the ground. He made no move when it just layed there. He immediately called Miko and Jack. The Autobots were out on a mission so he couldn't comm them. Miko was the one to answer first.

"Hey Raf! Where do you go? We can't find you!" She flooded his brain with a million questions. He heard her whine when Jack grabbed her phone.

"Hey Raf. Need something?" He asked calmly. Trying his best to ignore the rambling Miko behind him.

"No... but I need you to come over here." He stated.

"Come over where.. exactly?" Raf remembered he was practically standing in the middle of nowhere. He grabbed his laptop from his backpack and sent something to Jack.

"I sent you some coordinates. Just type them into your GPS." He explained.

"Ahem! It's my GPS." Miko growled as she snatched her phone back. She threw in the coordinates and she and Jack made their way to Raf.

The Nevada Dragon (Transformers Prime X Dragon Reader) {Discontinued?}Where stories live. Discover now