Bam. You're healed.

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Well it's been who knows how long and your wing is finally healed. Being a dragon, time never really had much meaning. So if months have passed you wouldn't even know.

"Well let's get these bandages off and say our goodbyes." Ratchet said. He gently unwrapped your wing and tossed the bandages over his shoulder and into a big trash bin. "There. Off you go." He waved you off and turned around. He started typing while everyone else crowded around.

"Are you really going to leave?" Raf questioned. You hadn't even thought about leaving. This place was so nice, and there were other things that were your size so most of the time you didn't have to worry about destroying something.

You tilted your head. Arcee appeared out of nowhere like some kind of ninja and asked what was going on.

"D/N's healed. Now we're just wondering if she's going to leave or not." Jack answered. He was leaning on the railing of the human area as usual.

Everyone just kind of chatted with each other while you were curled up in a corner pondering your next choice. Either leave the place you loved and go back to the other place you loved.. or stay and live with the bots and humans and possibly be murdered by Ratchet in the middle of the night... No.. he wouldn't do that.. yes he would...

"Did you decide yet?" Raf wandered over. You nodded slightly. "Great! I'll tell everyone!" He skipped back to the others.

You got up and stretched. Then you headed over.

"So you staying or going?" Bulkhead asked.

Ah geez.. I can't talk.. so how do I answer? You thought. As an answer you stared at the exit.

"You're leaving?" Miko pouted. You nodded and stretched your wing a little. Optimus then came out of nowhere (geez they're robots not ninjas) and spoke up.

"If you choose to go. At least let us make sure your wing is fully healed." He said. You nodded. He smiled a bit and led the way out of the base. (holy crap I forgot again... The uh.. roof? Of the mountain thing the base is in??? I don't know)

Look. I've kind of returned.. here's a trash chapter to celebrate!!! Also. I'll let y'all in on a secret... Ratchet actually likes D/N and is sad to see her go.

He has F E E L I N G S.

The Nevada Dragon (Transformers Prime X Dragon Reader) {Discontinued?}Where stories live. Discover now