Least favorite bot

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Making a change in perspectives. When it is on your perspective I'll use 2nd person with 'you' and 'your' but when it's someone's else perspective I'll use first person.


You hadn't realized you fell asleep until you felt Raf trying to nudge you awake. He sort of succeeded. Apparently he noticed you were sleeping and went inside the cage to sit next to you. You wondered why he was waking you.

"D/N. Wake up, Ratchet's here to check on you." He said into your ear. Your head snapped up. Who was Ratchet? Was it one of those metal beings? Your question was answered when Ratchet stepped into the dramatic light. Your ears folded back and the feathers on the back of your neck shook with anger as you hissed at him.

It was the bot that stabbed you with the weird metal feather stick that knocked you out.

"Rafael! Get out of that cage this instant! That thing could kill you!" Ratchet scolded the small kid. Raf did as he was told.

"But she's nice, she wouldn't hurt me!" He defended.

"She?" Ratchet asked.

"Yeah, she, I could tell she was a female because of the way her eyes are shaped." Raf sounded proud of his discovery. Ratchet sighed and came closer to you. Your tail flicked and your hiss grew louder with every step he took. "D/N calm down, he's just trying to see if you're okay." Raf reassured.

"D/N?" Ratchet looked to the kid.

"Its her name, she told me it. And by 'told me it' I mean she scratched it into the floor of the cage." Ratchet leaned to look at the name etched into the metal.

"Huh... hold still.. D/N.." he said your name with slight hesitation. Your hiss became a warning growl as he reached a needle towards you. Most of your feathers were flared by now. You barked and he flinched.

"D/N Don't worry." You heard Raf say. Suddenly a small pain rang through your broken wing. It twitched slightly as the pain slowly grew bigger. Ratchet noticed this and whispered to himself.

"Right on time" you could heard him because of your advanced hearing abilities. He turned his attention to the shoulder that held the wing. You looked at it too. Then back to Ratchet. Who just stared back into your eyes. You just sat there staring at each other Primus knows how long before he lunged at you. Thankfully there was a cage in the way. He smacked his helm against the bars and stumbled back cursing to himself.

Your growl became a small roar and you arched your back like a cat.

"Let me do it Ratchet." Raf offered. Ratchet looked down at him while holding his helm with one servo.

"Are you serious? She won't trust you anymore than she trusts me. It's a dragon. It physically can't trust anyone." Ratchet scoffed. You would know metal being. You thought to yourself. Mostly because you can't speak.

Raf looked up with pleading eyes.

"Pleeeaase?" He whimpered. Ratchet just sighed loudly.

"You can try. Though I'm not sure you can hold the needle." He gave in. He got down on one knee so he could hand Raf the needle. Which, was obviously too big for him. He held onto it though.

He wobbled inside the cage and gently set it down.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." Raf said putting both his hands up. You slowly relaxed your back while keeping both of your eyes on Ratchet. You kind of understood what was happening. As soon as you felt the pain in your wing Ratchet made a comment about something being "Right on time" than he proceeded to try to inject something into it. You guessed it was some sort of magic liquid that made pain go away.

You got on your stomach and sort of army crawled to Raf. Still staring at Ratchet. You lowered your wing so Raf could inject the magic liquid. He quickly picked it up and looked to Ratchet as to where exactly it should go.

"Right there on her shoulder." Ratchet said. Raf quickly insert the needle into your shoulder and you softly growled at the pain. Raf pushed the top of the needle making the liquid flow out of it and into your shoulder. Then he removed it and rolled it out of the cage.

"See? Wasn't so hard was it?" Raf asked you. You snorted and continued staring down Ratchet. "Ratchet, what exactly did you do to make her hate you?" He asked.

"I stabbed her with a dart so she'd fall asleep. I think I told everyone this already." Ratchet picked up the needle and sighed as he left the room. Raf jumped back up to you and pet your muzzle.

"I have to leave, but I'll be back soon." He whispered. You nudged him with the end of your snout and he left. You were flooded with loneliness when you heard a door slam. You wished you could go with him, when you got an idea.

You decided that you were going to try to escape.

Woop woop

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