What now

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(Second to last chapter before this story ends...)

Third POV

Ratchet went home with the bots a few hours later, they promised to come back the next day and visit D/N.

It wasn't obvious but Ratchet knew D/N was planning to stay with the other dragons. He was a little bummed but refused to show it.

"I'm going to go recharge." Arcee said. She walked out of the room and Bumblebee followed, probably going to go recharge as well. Ratchet didn't say anything and went to work on some stuff while Bulk and Wheeljack messed around with Optimus watching over them. (He's like a dad making sure his kids don't kill each other or themselves)

Everything was normal for a moment before Ratchet felt something on his back and heard a squeak. Whatever was on his back moved to his shoulder and licked his face.

Ratchet, not knowing it was D/N's kid who had snuck through the groundbridge with the bots, freaked out and grabbed the small dragon and threw it into a wall. Optimus had left a while ago so it was only Wheeljack and Bulk who saw this.

"Dude you just threw D/N's kid!" Wheeljack ran over to the dragon and picked it up.

"I didn't know what it was!" Ratchet defended.

"How did it get here?" Bulk asked.

"It probably followed us through the groundbridge.. I'll just go return it to D/N and it'll be fine." Ratchet sighed. He opened the groundbridge to where D/N was last and looked at Wheeljack. "Give it to me."

"I don't think it wants to be with you after you threw it."

"Jackie, just give it to him, you don't want to be near Ratchet when he gets angry. It's worse if your the cause of his anger." Bulk put a hand on Wheeljacks shoulder. Wheeljack rolled his eyes and handed the dragon to Ratchet.

The dragon squeaked and ran onto his shoulder and put it's head on Ratchet's head.

"What was that you said? 'It doesn't want to be with me'?" Ratchet walked into the bridge and looked for D/N. He found her looking around for the small dragon.

When she saw Ratchet with her kid she ran over and grabbed the baby by the back of his neck.

"He followed us to the bridge. I decided to take him back." Ratchet explained. He turned around to leave but D/N stopped him by jumping in front of him. "What is it?"

He noticed the baby trying to get out of its mothers grasp to get him. It was flapping its wings and kicking a lot.

"I can't stay here with it. I have to go back to the bots." Ratchet said. D/N put the dragon down and shook her head. She pushed the little dragon towards Ratchet. It squeaked happily and climbed his leg.

"You want me to.. take it? With me? But it's your kid. And you just got back. Won't you miss it? And won't it miss you?" Ratchet asked. He picked the dragon up and looked at D/N. She tilted her head and thought for a moment.

She perked up and looked at the groundbridge that was still open.

"You can visit him?" Ratchet asked. "Are you sure?" D/N nodded. Ratchet thought for a moment. "We won't have enough room for it on our team.. maybe we could give it to another team? It'd still sort of be with us." Ratchet told himself. He looked up at D/N.

"I will visit once every two weeks with it." He said. D/N nodded and tried to hug Ratchet. She kid of went up to him and put her wings around him awkwardly. "Uh, I should go now." Ratchet held back a smile (He almost smiled? Weird..)

He held the little dragon and walked back into the base.

Everyone else was recharging now so he shut the bridge off and went to his computer.

Short A/N please read
So, remember when I asked about RBA? That's because I had an idea for a form of writing that continues one book and is called a see-qwul. I'm not sure if it's a legit sequel because I'm discontinuing this book, but anyway, I thought,

Hey! What if I took D/N's kid and put it into RBA?

I chose RBA because it's a transformers series I can follow and I've seen 90% of the episodes. Unlike tfp, I've only seen season one.

I had another idea, what if I let you customize the little dragon? What do you think? Decide the gender, the name, powers, fire color, idk. Of course it would be voted on.

If no one participates in the customization I'll do it myself, no biggie.

Everything will be in the next chapter! (The last chapter)

Okay that A/N wasn't so short-

Ratchet called the rescue bots.

"Hello?" Heatwave picked up.

"Hello Heatwave, since you are training rescue bots, I was wondering if you'd take in A new student.."

The Nevada Dragon (Transformers Prime X Dragon Reader) {Discontinued?}Where stories live. Discover now