Cons. (dunno what to call the chapter..)

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Soundwave was told to analyze some strange footprints the vehicons had found. So that's what he did. He searched the 'internet' for prints that matched the ones they had found. Nothing. Megatron said that whatever had made the print could be a threat, judging by it's size. It was found just outside an energon mine, the prints began about a mile away from the mine and just disappeared when they got in front of it.

"Soundwave! What information have you found on the print?" Megatron waltzed in like he owned the place. Which he did.

"Statment: nothing found." Soundwave replied.

"Keep working. I want results by tomorrow morning." And with that, he left.

Starscream was sent to try to gather info on the prints. He was told to basically fly around and see if they were anywhere else. What he found was more extraordinary than prints.

He found the beast that made them. It was just flying around in the middle of the night. It perched on a tall rock and just sat there. Starscream wanted to get it to move so he could perhaps get some better pictures of it, so he played an annoying sound. To his delight, it flew off. He followed it to a cave where it curled up in a corner.

When he was sure it was asleep he went over to it and snapped some pictures. He took a picture of a name that was carved into a wall. When he was walking to the entrance and tripped on his heels and fell. Making a loud banging sound.

He flew back to the nemesis to report what he found.

After that day the decepticons swore they were going to find the beast and make it a decepticon. For they thought it was a predacon.

Megatron went to personally ask Shockwave if he had any blue colored predacons.

He said he didn't, which made Megatron suspicious. Shockwave gave Megatron a tracking device to put on the beast.

Megatron ordered starscream to go back and place the device, however when he returned the beast was gone. All he found was a giant hole in the ground followed by tire tracks and human footprints.

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