They let you out

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The bots had started to warm up to you. Bee would visit you more often, along with Bulkhead and Arcee. Every once in a while Optimus would even come in. Even this strange new bot named Wheeljack visited you. Raf never left your side. Well, he did, sometimes. He'd convince the bots to tell you stories of their battles. You enjoyed their stories, even though they thought you couldn't understand.

"And that's when Bulk here picked me up and hurled me at that buckethead!" Wheeljack said. He was telling a story from when he lived on Cybertron. Bulkhead laughed.

"Good times, hey, Raf, why do you make us tell her stories? She can't understand us." Bulk asked. You snorted and shook your head.

"I'm sure she understands you just fine." Raf said. Smiling at you.

"How does she fit in here? She's so big.." Wheeljack questioned. You just growled. "Woah, guess I touched a nerve there." He taunted you. "Should you really be in that cage? She could turn any minute."

Raf shrugged.

"I trust her." He put his hand on your paw. You looked down at him and... started.. purring. You didn't even know you could do that. It's a cat thing, and you're not a cat.. are you?

"Am I interrupting something?" Arcee asked as she strode in. You stopped purring and stood up. You liked Arcee the best out of all the bots. She was nice to you, she was probably happy to have another femme. Even if it wasn't cybertronian. And even if she already had Miko. But Miko was annoying, and you weren't.

She pat your head through the cage bars.

"We should let her out!" Raf offered from the ground. Arcee retracted her arm as everyone's gaze went to Raf. "What?" He asked.

"Let her out? She could run away, or kill us, or sit on the ceiling again." Bulkhead said.

"That was one time, I agree with Raf. If he trusts her, then I trust her." Wheeljack chimed in. Arcee shrugged and messed with the lock on the cage door. You were just confused.

"And... there we go." Arcee smiled as she removed the lock. "Come on out girl. " she urged. You sniffed the bars as if you only now realized they were there. Arcee pulled the door open and pat her leg. "Come on." She said. You tilted your head and walked out.

When nothing heppened and you noticed you weren't being held by any restraints you dashed out the door that led to the hallway.

"I told you she'd run!!" You heard bulkhead yell. You weren't running away to try to escape, you were just happy to be out of that stuffy room.

"What is going on back there?!" Ratchet yelled. You swerved away from where his voice was coming from. He ran past you and went to find Bulkhead. You crawled out of your hiding spot and continued to run down the hall. Unfortunately you ran straight into Optimus. You were face to face with him (since you are as tall as him)

"Hello there." Is all he said, you tilted your head. He put a hand on the back of your neck. "Why are you out of your cage?" He asked. You wondered how you could answer. You used your good wing as an example. You put it over your head to say that the room was small and uncomfortable. He seemed to understand.

"Optimus! Hold her still!" Ratchet came running from you don't know where with some rope and a dart.

"Easy old friend. She means no harm, she only needed a little freedom." Optimus defended you. Ratchet eased his run to a walk as he approached you.

"How do you know that Optimus? Did she tell you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes, actually." Optimus said with a small smile. Ratchet just stared at you.

"How?" He asked. You put your good wing over your head to say that the room was small. He too seemed to understand. "Unbelieveable.. She undertands us.." he muttered to himself.

After a while Optimus talked to the other bots about you staying out of your cage. You fell asleep during their meeting.

When you woke up you were surprised to see that you were in the main area instead of your cage. You yawned when you saw Ratchet carrying some metal rods into the room. You noticed they were from the cage. You layed your head down and drifted back to sleep.

The Nevada Dragon (Transformers Prime X Dragon Reader) {Discontinued?}Where stories live. Discover now