Challenge Accepted!

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"Even At Terrible Odds , I'll Make Sure That This Win Is Ours."


Nikki's P. O. V

Steven: Huh. You seems you have remembered me. 

Nikki: (What a pain...) Yes. Now why do you asked for a team battle? We're only 3 people now. 

Steven: You lost one of your members?

Nikki: Yes.

Steven: Is it because how weak of a leader you are?

Nikki: Why you... *starts to get super angry*

Steven: Oh sorry... I didn't meant to say that. And yes, i got wind about the accident on your member.

Nikki: And you're joking around about my member being dead?

Steven: Woah, woah, woah. Not at all. 

Glen: Nikki, let's just go home.

Steven: You haven't said anything about my deal. 

Nikki: *looks at Glen* ...

Glen's P. O. V

Seems she's determined to shut this guy up again.

Nikki: Okay. Fine. But we're only 3 right now.

Steven: 3? No no no no no no... You have to have 4. We can't have a turf war game with 3.

Nikki: I have to find the 4th player?

Steven: Yes. It's just within the rules.

Nikki: Ughhh. Fine. But if i win, i- 

Steven: There's no prize. We're just seeing who's the best group in Inkopolis Plaza.

Nikki: And why you are targeting us? There's more vicious groups out here in this Plaza alone. Like "Legacy". Or "The Vipers". Or even the legendary "F4"

Steven: It's just because you're still a top-tier team even with 3 members. I wanna change that.

Nikki: Thanks for the acknowledgement of us still. But we're gonna win this. 

Steven: I don't think so. I've changed and my team changed since then. 

Nikki: Just, i'm going now. It's almost 10:00PM. It's too late for that.

Steven: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night. *walks away*

Nikki: *sighs* Finally. He's gone. It's so late.

Glen: I wonder Andrew is sleeping now.

Nikki: We have the keys to the apartment. So it doesn't matter.

Meanwhile somewhere far, far, away...

Brooks P. O. V

Brooks: Are you kidding me bro?

Cross: Yeah. My night was kinda disrupted by Luna...

Brooks: How so?

Cross: I said earlier today, She would treat me some drinks after the mission... 

Brooks: And?

Me And Myself. (Splatoon Story/Fanfic) (Human!OC!Agent 7) (EDITING/PROOFREADING)Where stories live. Discover now