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"Can't i just stay home? This crap is so bothersome."


Brooks: Oh, come on!!!!!!

Brooks right now isn't exactly in the best mood right now. He got destroyed by Cross and Andrew in a game. While making a bet. The bet was whoever loses, they will wash all of the dishes for a week. And... You guessed it, Brooks embarrassingly lost the bet.

Cross: A bet's a bet Brooks.

Andrew: *smiles* ...

Brooks: Damn it.

Cross: Anyway, there's a big event today right Brooks?

Andrew: Huh? Something's happening today?

Brooks: Well, yeah.

Glen: What is it? *sits on the dining chair*

Brooks: We got another favor from the Squid Sisters.

Glen: Oooohh! What is it? *excited*

Brooks: Those two are ready to debut a new album. But in a concert setting. I don't know why they would go that far.

Cross: Popstars? *as he remembers someone* (Aw, crap Luna's going... Why....)

Brooks: Yeah, maybe that.

There was a bit of silence that filled the air for a few seconds. As no one even tries to say anything. But Brooks ever the noisy person, tries to break the silence with something that they wouldn't expect. Well, except Cross.

Brooks: So... You guys wanna go?

Silence... Excruciating silence fills the room.

Cross: Sure.

Andrew: Of course.

Glen: YEAH!!!!

Nikki: *comes out of nowhere* YES!!!

Brooks: Cod. Anyway. The concert starts at 7:00 PM till 11:00 PM. I'll go early. Captain Cuttlefish wants me to play "bodyguard" again. So those 2 aren't doing anything stupid.

Nikki: Okay... But we need to get ready Glen!

Glen: Yeah!

Brooks: *sighs* Just go on.

Cross: Anyway. That's that. Are you ready for another game?

Brooks: Hell yeah!

Andrew: Another bet?

Brooks: Hell nah!

Cross: Where's the thrill in that?

Brooks: I would rather get dressing up if we're gonna bet on a freaking game again.

Cross: Then get to it. It's cool if you chicken out.

Brooks: I'm human, and chickens are extinct.

Cross: Then you're the last one.

A-kun: Okay, Cross. That's too far.

Brooks frustratedly walked to his room to get ready to go at the Cuttlefish's Cabin.


Brooks came out looking sleek. He wore the most stylish boots that he wore when he was Agent 7. His signature color in that group. Gold. His boots were so sparkling and sure to attract attention. As for his shirt, he wore a white long tee with an orange and white striped jacket. And he wore pants that have way too many pockets. Could be mistaken to be military pants than a stylish one.

Me And Myself. (Splatoon Story/Fanfic) (Human!OC!Agent 7) (EDITING/PROOFREADING)Where stories live. Discover now