He spoils you

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You were walking with Jungkook in the mall and spotted a purse. You walk over to the window and on your way to the purse you saw a dress that you absolutely love. As you walk into the store you spot a jewelry set and you whine causing him to look up from his phone and at you.

"What's wrong?" He asks and you quickly shake your head.

"Nothing." You say and he nudges your shoulder.

"C'mon, what's wrong?" He asks and you huff and look at him.

"I saw some items that caught my eye, but they're too expensive and-"

"Get em, I'll pay for it."

"Kookie no. I know you have money but...I don't want to seem like I'm depending on you." You say and he nods.

"Well how about this, I pay for anything you want and you can...be my girlfriend in return." He says before putting on a smile.

"I'm already your girlfriend."



You were walking into Louis Vuittion store when your boyfriend Taehyung grabs your arm and pulls you into the Gucci store.

"This is a Gucci relationship." He teases and you roll your eyes at him.

"But I want Louis?"

"I'll buy you anything you want."

"You think you can bribe me with gifts from Gucci?"

"I'll take you to get something to eat after this if you let me buy whatever you want."



"No Jimin. I'm already getting bashed for people thinking I'm living off of you." You say as you sat on the couch, looking at your boyfriend of two years.

"People still think that?"

"Yes, why do you think I still make a fuss about you buying me things."

"I just want to show you love and spoil you with gifts." Jimin sighs and you hug him and lay your head on his shoulder and hold his hand.

"I know Chim Chim. I don't mind you spoiling me, but not too much, okay?"



Namjoon let you go while at the mall. Usually he bought you small cute little gifts and lunch but today was his baby's birthday and he wanted you to have anything and everything you want. At first you were shy but once he eased your nerves, you bought at least three items from each store you went to. You made sure nothing was too expensive though he didn't mind getting it for you. He even bought you stuff on your own, noticing you eyeballing a couple things.


"Hootie hooo!" You shout in the store in it was silent for a second.

"Ca-Caw!" Hoseok answers from the accessories department and you walk over to him and saw him with bags upon bags upon bags.

"Don't you think this is a little much?" You ask and he shakes his head no.

"I want to buy you the nicest of things." He says and you walk over to him and grab his hand, causing him to look at you.

"Hobi this is enough, I'm fine just spending time with you." You smile and he sets the bracelet down.

"You've just been with me since I came into Bangtan and you were there the whole time. I just want to thank you, and you're also my girlfriend."

"I appreciate it J-Hobi but I don't want you to spend too much, okay?"

"Alright alright alright."


"Yoongi, you have spare change?" You ask reaching in your pocket and he gives you the amount of spare change and you thank him and give it to the cashier, in return your hot and ready pizza.

"We can now have date night." You smile and you both get in the car and he drives off.

"Not just yet." He says and drives to a nearby store and parks. You both get out and go inside.

"We need onesies, more snacks, extra movies and popcorn. I know how much you love these at home date night s and we don't get the time so I want to make this the best for you."

"Aww! Since when did you get so soft?"

"When I met you."


You wake up to the sound of your and Jin's door opening. You rub your eyes and sit up to see Jin bringing you breakfast. He sets the tray on the bed and sets your glass of your favorite drink on the bed stand next to you.

"What did you do?" You ask and he gasps.

"Why do you think I did something?'

"You don't spoil me unless you do....or you want something."

"Well this time I just want to spoil you. Now eat up and get dressed, I have a whole day planned ahead of us just for you."

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