They're psychotic (BTS)

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You were drive to the psychiatric ward to drop off dinner for your roommate. It scared you only because you've never been and you've heard crazy patient stories and it just makes your nerves uneasy ever night that they go in for work because you never know if they're coming back as crazy as the stories they tell you are. Their pay is amazing but you wouldn't risk your own safety for the high pay of money.

As you walk in, you tell the front desk your friend's name and they pull a walkie talkie from their back pocket and radio in your friend's name. Your friend answers saying they will be there once they sedate a crazy old man. After a ten minute wait, you see your friend walk into the main lobby and you smile and go up and hug them before handing them their lunch.

"Let me take you to the lunch room." They say and you both walk out the main lobby and down an eerily quiet hallway before entering a cafeteria like room where other workers resided, eating and talking as if they were in a normal cafeteria.

"(Y/F/N) are you sure you want to work here?" You ask and they nod.

"Yeah, even though I tell you a lot of stories, nothing really goes on unless we're dealing with a patient who decides to go off their rocker. Usually everyone is calm and it's like a....daycare for people I guess? All I do really is check on patients and make conversations with them to keep them company." (Y/F/N) shrugs and you hum.

"Want to walk with me for a little while since you're already here in the building?" They ask and you give them a stank face before they give you puppy eyes.

"No." You simply say and they pout and whine your name before you groan and get up.

As you both walk through the hallways, a couple of the patients call your friend's name and when they look over the patient would say hello and send you a friendly greeting and you wave at them. This eased your nerve and actually made you have a different look of wards. As you both go deeper your friend's stride slows and you look at them.

"What's wrong (Y/F/N)?" You ask and they stop walking.

"We shouldn't go any further than here." They say quietly and you feel your heart beat a little faster.

"It gets dangerous from here or something?" You ask and they sigh and nod.

"Very. You see that door in front of us at the end of this hall? In there are seven of the most psychotic patients I've ever known. It all starts with their leader Kim Namjoon. He was sent in here because he killed his whole family and he was going to be sent to prison but they diagnosed him with severe schizophrenia. Then we have Kim Seokjin, not only does hyperactivity disorder but he claims to see...friends. Min Yoongi severe post traumatic stress disorder from watching his family get murdered in front of him and he went into a deep depression and is on suicide watch. Jung Hoseok has bipolar disorder. One minute he's the happiest a person can be, then the next he's willing to rip out anyone's throat...including his own. He too is on suicide watch. Park Jimin has obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar along with severe depression. He's often quiet if not humming to himself. When he talks, it's either about killing who ever, stalking whoever, or how much he hates himself. Kim Taehyung is high dangerous. He has severe schizophrenia, severe personality disorder and he is very bipolar. Watch out for him because he's always watching you. Lastly, we have Jeon Jungkook, the youngest out of all of them. We honestly don't know what he has besides separation anxiety from them. He's shown signs of schizophrenia but it's not reliable signs. He's shown signs of bipolar and PTSD but again, all unreliable but we know, if wronged, he's highly dangerous. In all they listen to Namjoon and do whatever he says. He knows them better than we know them and we have their stats. In all they have tic syndrome which is basically non-purposeful body movements that are sudden...basically Tourette's syndrome but...we've never actually seen it happen and they're on twenty four seven watch." Your friend explains and you nod and you both start to walk back when your friend gets a call from their walkie talkie.

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