How They React

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Your child is having a tantrum


He sat there watching his son with an unamused look. He just refused to give his son a piece of a pop tart and now he was on the floor crying.

"Do I need to get the belt?" Jungkook asks and his son cries no.

"Then stop it. You had a pop tart during lunch time." Jungkook says sternly and his son sniffs and wipes his eyes with his tiny fist.

"Come here." Jungkook sighs and his son crawls to him and lays on Jungkook's chest and Jungkook hugs him and lays back on the couch.

"Nap time."


"But I want it!" His daughter pouts as she stomps her foot.

"(Y/D/N) stop it." You say and she does it again. You scoff and was about to get your belt when you hear the garage door open.

"You know what, let's tell your dad how you're acting." You say and the look of fear comes over her.

"No! No! Mommy please!" She begs and you ignore her and the door opens, revealing Taehyung.

"Taehyung." You say and his attention turns to you and he saw how you looked and how your daughter looked.

"What happened?" He asks and you walk up to him, still ignoring your daughter's begs and tell Taehyung how she had a whole temper tantrum because you did not want to get your twelve yea old daughter an iPhone 11.

Taehyung looks from you to her and he nods before pointing to her room.

"Go to your room and go pick out a belt. If you try to put extra clothes on, that'll be even worse for you. You do not disrespect your mother." He says, his voice dropping and she rushes out.


As Jimin was in dance practice, you and your daughter was sitting in when she asked if she could go to her friend's house. Since you didn't know her friend or her mother you instantly said no.

" But mom!"

"Be quiet your father and the others are trying to focus." You say and she smacks her teeth.

"You never let me do anything"

"As a matter of fact I let you do a lot of things so you better watch your tone."

"Kiss my-"

"Hajima!" You both hear a shout and you look over and saw Jimin fuming.


"I got it." He says and grabs your daughter by her wrist, not hard but he firmly stands her up.

"My studio, now." He says and she walks in front of him and they leave the dance studio.

"'s your day?" J-Hope asks awkwardly


You listened to your son cry as Namjoon hit his knuckles with a ruler. Your son had the audacity to hit you when you didn't allow him to hang out with his good for nothing friends and since he was taller than you, he felt bigger.

"I'll break your hand if you ever lay a single hand on any woman again. Do not disrespect women, especially your mother."


Hoseok was more serious now that he was a dad. He was still goofy yes but he knew when and when not to be. Your son was now throwing a fit in the middle of his studio because Hoseok did not let him have snacks in his studio. He get mad and took one of Hoseok's things from his shelf and threw it in the ground.

As your son kicked and screamed on the ground, he did not notice Hoseok unbuckling his belt. He did when he felt Hoseok hold him down and whoop his legs though.

"I'm sorry!" His son cries and Hoseok stops and tosses his belt on the couch. He kneels down and looks his son dead in his eyes.

"I said we'll get ice cream after I finish something. Listen to me. I know you want a snack, I will gladly give you one, but you can not eat it in this room. Now, take a caprison and crackers and sit in the hallway, keep the door open so I can see you since you want your snack." Hoseok says and his son nods and wipes his eyes, taking his batman backpack that looked way too big for him and sat in the hallway, directly across from the door where he could see Hoseok and Hoseok could see him.


Yoongi watched his daughter as she had a fit in her rokm because he didn't want to pick her up since she was getting a little too old for that. He just stood in the doorway silent as she cried and cried eventually falling asleep. He walks out the room to your shared bedroom and lays down.

"Why was she crying?" You asked sleepily.



"Wall sits, arms out. You want to cry, I'll make you cry." He says and your daughter sniffs as tears stream down her face as she did a wall sit with her arms out in front of her.

Jin told her that she was too young to start wearing makeup. She was only eleven. So when she had a fit, he mad her do wall sits til he felt like she was done.

"If you come up in the slightest you start over"


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