The Man In Navy Blue (Yoongi)

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You walk into your art class and set out the different paint palettes and canvases

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You walk into your art class and set out the different paint palettes and canvases. You held art classes for people who have autism. It was very relaxing to not only to you but to them as well. They were people and you made sure you treated them as so.

Some students had caretakers and some didn't. You even let the caretakers paint. Your room had very low and chill music. This was a safe space for all.

As everyone fills in the room you greet everyone with their own personal greeting when there was a knock on the door. You look over and see two men. Both of them were y'all but one was taller with a heart smile while the short male in a navy shirt, was quiet with his hands together in front of him.

"Good afternoon." You greet and the men walk inside.

"Good afternoon. My name is Hoseok and this is Yoongi." Hoseok introduces and your attention turns to Yoongi who was looking down.

"Hi Yoongi." You say softly and he looks up at you and he gives a small smile.

"Yoongi wanted to paint and I heard about your classes so we came. Are we too late?" Hoseok asks and you look around your class for an empty seat and you find one in the center of the room.

"There's an empty seat right there. Hoseok I'll you a seat." You say and he thanks you and walks with Yoongi to the seat while you grab an extra chair.


As you saunter the classroom you would get stopped so a student would show you their artwork. You would always smile at how proud they were and couldn't help but feel proud with them. You make your way to Yoongi and Hoseok. You stop next to them but you had your back to them as another student was asking you a question. After you finish answering the question you hear Yoongi quietly say your name and you turn around with a smile on your face.

"I...m-made it." He says and you look at his all navy blue canvas yet nothing was on it. Even though it was just all blue he used the same color and used multiple coats to creat a scene of depth in his painting.

"Great job Yoongi. I love how you used depth in your painting. It's so unique and creative." You compliment and he starts to lightly play with his ears as a smile creeps onto his lips.

At the end of the class you were saying goodbye to everyone. Hoseok and Yoongi were last in line. Before you could say goodbye Hoseok quietly says encouragements to Yoongi and Yoongi steps how and holds out the picture he painted in class.

"I m-I made...I-I made this...mmm...for yo-ou." He says nervously and you gently take the picture and smile at it before looking at Yoongi.

"Thank you Yoongi. I love it so so so much." You smile and he smiles.

"How much for the classes? Yoongi really likes it?" Hoseok asks and you lead them to your desk and you sit down.

"Ten dollars a class." You say as you look through your book.

"Can I pay you next class?" Hoseok asks patting himself down.

"Oh of course! I just need a name and number just in case you try and bail." You tease and Hoseok smiles and you hand him a book and he writes his first and last name along with his number.

While Hoseok was writing his name down you notice that Yoongi was staring at you. You smile and him sweetly and he instantly looks away.

"Are you always this sweet?" Hoseok asks standing up and you take the book and place it in your backpack.

"Everyone needs an outlet from feeling a certain negative feeling. This just happens to be my outlet." You say and he nods and looks at Yoongi.

"Ready to go?" Hoseok asks and Yoongi nods and takes a hold of Hoseok's hand.

"Bye Hoseok, bye Yoongi." You wave and Hoseok says bye and Yoongi gives you a small wave.

The next day Hoseok and Yoongi come back a bit earlier this time and takes the same spot. Yoongi was in another navy blue shirt while Hoseok wore all red. Again you saunter around and see Yoongi had yet again made an all navy painting but he used the texture technique to make his painting look scaley and rough.

You make your way to the front and give two soft claps and the music turns off and everyone looks at you.

"Alright everyone, it's Friday and that means show and tell. If you would like to show your painting please raise your hand." You say and everyone except Yoongi excitedly raises their hand.

One by one you let them showcase what they had and why they drew what they did. Bye the end of the class you were sitting at your desk and everyone who wanted their artwork showcased in the hallway put it on the main table.

"Ms. (Y/L/N)." You heat Hoseok say and you look up to see Yoongi holding out a painting to you and you stand up and take it.

"Yoongi I love this so much. You're so talented." You say in awe and he smiles and points to his painting that hung on the wall in the classroom.

"You hu-hung it." He smiles and you nod.

"I did. I loved it so much I just had to put it up. Do you mind?" You ask and he shakes his head.


"Yoongi doesn't paint for just anyone so I assume he likes you very much." Hoseok says and you hang up Yoongi's other painting and smile at the two men.

"Well I like you too Yoongi." You say and he smiles and looks down.

"Here is twenty dollars." Hoseok says and hands you the bill and you take it from him.

"Oh why thank you." You smile and file the money.

"Can...can I mmmm...can I come by myself? Me and...teacher?" Yoongi asks and Hoseok looks stunned a bit.

"You don't want me to come?" Hoseok asks and Yoong shakes his head no.

"Ms. (Y/L/N) makes me feel...home...a-at home." Yoongi says and you feel your heart warm.

"I would love a one on one with you Yoongi."

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Yoongi asks more confidently and you nod.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

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