The Man At The Bar (Taehyung)

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You walk into the restaurant and head straight to the bar. You let out an exhausted sigh and put your head in your hand.

"One bud light please." you say to the bar tender and she nods and slides you one.

"That kinda night huh?" She asks and you nod as you take a drink.

"Definitely that kind of night"

As you silently sit there, you hear a man get on the microphone and start to sing. Intrigued by his voice you turn and see a man singing into the microphone. Very handsome, charismatic and charming just on looks alone.

"Who is that?" You ask and the bar tender hums.

"Who him? That's Taehyung Kim. He comes up here often to sing. Biggest attraction here if you ask me. He's quite the charmer, but you'll never get to speak to him. He keeps to himself half of the time. The other half.. He's singing." She explains and you nod.

"I just want to tell him he has an amazing voice" You say and she shrugs.

"Good luck." She says and goes to get a man's order.

Once he finishes singing you turn around and decide against telling him. Not that you weren't confident, you just didn't see a point if he kept to himself.

As you were halfway done with your drink you feel a presence beside you.

"The usual please" A deep voice says besides you and you look over and see Taehyung.

Huh.. Just your luck.

The bartender hands him an bottle without a name and he takes a seat next to you.

"You did amazing up there." You say and look over at him.

"Thanks" He says quietly, not even sparing you a glance.

" problem" You say and take a drink of your beer before sighing.

"So what brings you here?" The bartender asks and you look up at her.

"I had a bad day honestly." You say and she awws.

"Tell me about it." She says and you shrug nonchalantly.

"Well~for starters, my coworker continues to harass me and Human Resources won't do anything about it. My sister who I have to constantly bail out of back for the same thing and I honestly don't know where I can get the money from and on top of that, my computer deleted every single one of my files and a man spilled his coffee on my laptop while I was on my lunch break working on restoring my files and my computer was ruined and all he said was should have moved it. " You say and the bartender shakes her head.

"That's crazy. How does he harass you?" She asks and you take a drink.

"Constant racist comments along with degrading sexist comments."You say and she shakes her head.

"What company do you work for?" You both hear a deep voice and you look over at Taehyung who was looking into space.

"Uh I work for (insert name)." You respond and he nods.

"That's crazy. Hey, come back tomorrow and tell me about your day if you're not too busy, names Keana" She smiles and you nods.



You come back the next day and greet Keana. After she gets you a beer and you settle in, she asks about your day.

"It was..good actually. The coworker I was telling you about wasn't at work today. I had a gift, two actually. One was a new laptop and another with an envelope of $2500. For my laptop, it came with like a flash drive and all of my files was on there. It's kind of crazy yet amazing. "You smile and she smiles as well.

"Maybe it was luck." She says and you shake your head no.

"Doubt it. Hey where's Taehyung?" You ask and she shrugs.

"He didn't come in today."

"Hmm, I hope he's doing well. Well I just wanted to stop by now,i should probably head home."

"Alright girl, well don't be a stranger."

"Alright, bye."


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