How they React

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You trip/get hurt 


You were walking through the airport when you hear loud screams. You turn around and see a mob of people running towards you. You run off, not wanting to get caught in a mob. Hoseok was waiting for you outside the airport, all you had to do was make it outside.

As you run, you didn't see the wet floor sign and slide a bit on the tile floor and you feel arms grab you. Ready to fight, you push yourself off the person when they hold you closer.

"Calm down, it's just me." You hear Hoseok laugh and you look up and see him and you hug him tightly.

"I almost died." you say and he hums in amusement

"I saw, I came in because I thought you were getting mobbed and you slipped right in front of me. I'm surprised you didn't see me."

"I had tunnel vision. My mind was set on getting out of this airport."

"Well I'm glad you're home."


You and Jin were walking through the airport. You both were actually left alone which was quite different but you both weren't complaining. As you both were walking, you somehow tripped over your own foot. Jin tried to catch you but ended up falling too. You both sat on the ground laughing as a few staff asked if you were okay. Easily getting up, still laughing about the situation, you both dust yourself off.

"Are you okay?" Jin asks and you nod.

"Yes, you?"



You were backstage when you trip over a cord. You wince as you hold your ankle. A staff member crouches down and checks your ankle but when you wince at the slight touch, he figures you sprained your ankle. Since Taehyung was on stage you both were able to get you helped out since he would have been all over you trying to help out. 

After the concert you had your ankle wrapped and an ice pack on it. When Taehyung notices he instantly stands by your side bombarding you with questions.

"Tae it's just a sprain. I'm okay." You say and he kisses your forehead and sighs.

"I'll help you to the car. I can carry you if you want."

"I can wa-"

"Nope I can carry you." He cheeses and you smile.

"Thank you baby."


You were walking in their dorm when you trip over Jimin who was laying on the ground watching Jungkook and Taehyung playing Overwatch. The maknaes instantly look over at you and rush to your aid, not wanting Yoongi to find out.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks as he helps you up.

"Yeah I'm fine Kook-"

"Do you need any ice?" Jimin asks and before you could answer he rushes off.

"No no Jimin I'm-"

"Let's get her to the couch." Taehyung says and both him and Jungkook pick you up and was carrying you to the couch.

"What are you guys doing?" You three hear Yoongi ask and they gently set you down.

"Just treating (Y/N) like the queen she is." Taehyung says nervously

"I got the ice pack for her-ooooo hey hyung" Jimin says coming back into the living room before seeing Yoongi who crosses his arms.

"Guys I said I was fine. Thank you though." You say getting up as Yoongi walks over to you, checking up on you himself. When you tell him you're find he takes your hand and the ice pack from Jimin's hand.

"Next time, try not to be too loud." He says before taking you to his room.


You were being mobbed in the airport when a fan trips you. You fall and the body guards push everyone away as Namjoon rushes to you. He crouches down and you wince as you hold your ankle. 

"Can you walk?" He asks and you shake your head no. He nods and says something to the staff before he tells you to get on his back. You get on his back and he holds your thighs and stands up straight as he carries you to the cars. 

The other members ask if you were okay and you nod but they knew you were. Namjoon stayed next to you as the staff helped out. Later that night, BigHit Entertainment sent out a long message about airport safety and support of the boys and their relationships along with respect for you.


You were doing the dance to Mic Drop when you trip. You laugh as you can hear Jimin's contagious laugh behind you. He wraps his arms under yours and helps you to your feet.

"You okay?"

"I'm completely fine. I now know I should not be a dancer." You say and dust yourself off.

"It just takes practice."

You and Jimin go over the dance to Mic Drop and once you got the hang of it, you both showed Hoseok who was genuinely proud of you both.


You walking down the stairs when you miss a step and tumble down the stairs. You wince and lean back against the stairs as your ankle starts to swell up.

"Jungkook!" You cry out and you hear foot steps running your way.

"What happened?" He asked seeing your badly injured ankle.

"I fell." You say and he instantly picks you up and takes you to his car.

Jungkook sat next to you as the doctors brace your ankle up and give you crutches. Once you were all set, he pays for your medical bill before helping you to the car. When you both get to the apartment, he helps you inside and you sit on the couch. As Jungkook made instant noodles you hear the door.

"I got it." You say and before you could get up, Jungkook was already opening the door.

"Is she okay?" Jin asks and you turn around.

"Hi guys" You smile sheepishly.

"I told you to stay away from stairs." Taehyung says and sighs dramatically as he was the first to sit next to you.

"I know I know." You say playing along and pretend to cry.

"Guys stop joking around, you're making Jungkook worried." Hoseok laughs.

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