Yandere Yoongi

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You were a well known writer. You authored many best seller books and you've done many book tours and much much more. Yoongi, your assistant, has always bee by your side. He was like your best friend. Many times when you felt as if you could no longer continue you, he was there for you. 

As you sat on your couch, Yoongi was in the kitchen cooking. Lately you've been having bad luck with finding love. You've tried multiple times and they start out good but they always end up bailing on you. You never knew why. You were swiping through your dating app when you see a man by the name of Jongin Kim. You click on him and noticed he was actually in your area. You hum and message a 'Hey' to him.

Throughout the night you and Kai spoke with each other. Yoongi would ask who you were texting but you never responded and just changed the subject. After dinner, you were in the kitchen writing when Yoongi walks in.

"Hey you're still up?" He asks and you nod.

"I'm on a roll right now." You say and got a message from Kai. You stop and smile and message him back.

"Who have you been texting this whole entire night?" He asks and you set your phone down.

"Promise you won't get mad." You say with  pout and he hums and sits in front of you.

"I promise."

"I found a new guy~"


"You promised!"

Yoongi lets out a groan as he sets his head on the table before looking up at you. You slump in your seat and he stands up and walks over to you and crouches down and looks up at you. He places his hand on yours that rested in your lap and you look at him.

"Have you not learned? Every time you find someone, they're not good for you." He says and you slowly nod.

"But I think he might actually work out."

"If he bails on your or ghosts you, I'll be here for you. Good night, (Y/N)." Yoongi sighs and he stands up and goes upstairs and to his room.

~~~ Yoongi ~~~

As I searched for his name, I come across him. I start my research on who this Kim Jongin was. I was able to find out his other social medias and where he went to school and his job. Luckily he was in the area, I'm able to go visit his house location. I grab my keys and I sneak out the house and head to his house.

Once I get to my destination, I look around and see him texting with a smile. I shake my head and leave.

As the months go by, (Y/N) has been leaving a lot more, leaving me at the house. I don't like it. She's supposed to stay with me! By the time they start to date, I knew  had to put an end to this.

Around two in the morning, I sneak out the house and head to his house. Able to sneak in after figuring out his key pattern and bending a bobby pin in the correct way, I make my way to his room. Grabbing a plastic bag from the kitchen on my way, I slowly open his door and saw him sleeping. I smirk and I slip into the shadows. Tossing something in his room, he jumps up and looks around. I lounge at him and place the bag over his head. We tousle to the ground and I tighten my grip and restrain his breathing until he was breathing no more. 

I put him back in the bed and cover up the tracks before heading home. The next night (Y/N) was huffing and puffing when she never received a message from him. I smirk as I watch her freak herself out. I just tell her he was a jerk and she agrees and I hug her to me as we sat on the couch.

"You don't need anymore other guys when you got me."

"Thanks Yoons, you're right."

"I know."

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