Biracial Twins (Maknae Line)

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(1/2 to a request) PISCEANSAINTNOT

Jeon Jungkook:

You and Jungkook were alike yet different. While you both could sing and were athletic, people gravitated to him more than you. You were fine with that though. Once Jungkook got into BigHit, things changed between you two. After he moved to Seoul, you didn't really want to talk to him. You missed him but you didn't think he should move at such a young age. He would send you letters but you never wrote back. As you both got older you made up. You decided that since he was working hard to do something with his life you were too. You worked hard to become an actress. You studied English in school and excelled in it. Furthering your skills you move to America and even though things were completely different, you stayed with your roots and grounded and continued to push.

By the year of 2015, you heard how Jungkook and his group has grown heavily. You got a message one day on your phone saying '안녕 (hello in formal)'. You fur your brows and just ignore the text thinking it was a saesang. You were on set of a new upcoming movie getting ready to go to your house when you get anoyher text from the same number.

'It's me Jungkookie... I know we haven't talked for years but..maybe we can connect again?'

You smile at the text and say okay before heading home. You got a text while driving but you made sure to get home first. When you got settled at home you looked at the phone.

Jungkook: My hyungs don't think we're related

You: Why not?

Jungkook: You don't look like me

You: Show a baby picture of us

Jungkook: don't have any

You: I have some

Jungkook: can you come visit me??

You: I'm in America

Jungkook: :(

You: Next time, I promise


You had become so busy along with Jungkook you both weren't able to communicate but once he told you that he was preforming at the bbmas, you just had to go see. Well, yiu had no choice, you were one of the guests that had to give out an award. You were quite happy.

After that night went went and found Jungkook who was talking with his group. You nudge him gently and he looks over at you and hugs you tightly while the others just watch confused. Jungkook introduced you and they look between the two of you.

"How?" Hoseok chuckles and you pull out your phone and find a baby picture which was one where you both were playing outside together.

In that picture you both looked similar but you could tell the difference. They coo before looking back up at you both and nod.

"I see it."

Ever since that night you and Jungkook got closer and you were welcomed by the other members. You took a liking to Namjoon but of course never told him so Jungkook would tease you about.

You and Taehyung had always been close and once he was in BTS, you two grown apart and it hurt you both. You had become famous in the modeling industry. Once you heard that BTS was going in a one month break, you got a text from Taehyung asking if you and him could have out. Of course you said yes.

During your time with Taehyung, you were so happy. You both caught up on many things and traveled around Korea. One night you were in Taehyung's hotel room laying down since you got lonely in your room. You heard Taehyung come into the room laughing when yiu hear someone scolding Taehyung for having a "scandalous" action with a woman.

"Hyung that's my sister." He says and the man in the phone then scolds him for lying.

"Taehyungie, sshhh" You say and Taehyung nods and walks to the kitchen and tries to explain to whomever was on the phone that you were his sister but it was getting nowhere. You groan and get up and sit by Taehyung.

"Jin hyung, I promise she's my sister" Taehyung says and you point to the same moles on your face that Taehyung has and you also had a distinct similarity to Taehyung.

"Mianhae" Jin apologizes and you smile and nod before getting up and you heard Taehyung call yiu back and he has you introduce yourself to Jin who introduced himself. As yiu sat next to Taehyung you look at Jin and notice he was handsome. He winks at yiu and yiu blush and smile.

"Ah Jin hyung" Taehyung whines catching the wink.

"It's a habit" Jin laughs


You had been in the hospital for the past two months due to a bad bus accident that you were in. You wanted to get in touch with Jimin but you knew he was going to freak out. You were in a bit of depression as well because it was during a winter and your parents wanted to visit you but couldnt. You made sure to keep in touch with them.

You were woken up to the sound of people talking. You see Jimin and his group mates talking and trying to calm him down.

"Are you sure she's your sister and not a saes-"

"Tae, I'm positive."

"Jiminie, why are you here?" yiu ask quietly, gaining all of their attention.

"Why? My sister is in the hospital and has been for a while and I am just now knowing about her" He scolds and you stay quiet.

"I'm sorry, I'm just upset" He says and gently hugs yiu.

"Jimin why didn't you tell us about a sister?" Yoongi asks

"Just wanted to keep her out the light." Jimin says and they nod.

They introduce themselves to you and you fo the same to them and got to know them. You took a liking to them but Jimin didn't want them getting too close.

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