Bangtan Forever (BTS)

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You met Bangtan when you were in your last year of high school

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You met Bangtan when you were in your last year of high school. Your school went on a Spring trip to Seoul, South Korea. While there, you and your small group of students and teachers were going to a BTS concert.

You were actually quite excited. You had been studying a bit of Korean in your alone time and you loved their music so why not.

The concert was amazing. Everything was so colorful and loud and very fun. After the concert, your group got separated from each other due to the large masses of people. You hated being by yourself and it scared you more because even though you knew basica Korean, you were extremely lost and out of place.

You found yourself crying, walking around when you hear someone calling you to you. You freeze thinking you're in trouble and hear footsteps coming up to you. You sniff and wipe your tears but more continue to fall as the steps got closer. You turn around to see Jin and Yoongi. Once they notice you crying they say something to each other before Yoongi jogs off.

"You lost?" Jin asks and you nod, placing your hands clasped in front of you.

"Y-yes" You say and he hums.

"Hold please." He says and pulls out his phone out and calls someone. You hear him mention Namjoon's name and Yoongi comes back with tissues.

He hands them to you and you take them and wipe your wipes. You sniff as you continue to look at your phone and as soon you unlock your phone it dies. You feel Jin pat your shoulder and you see Namjoon coming towards you three.

"Namjoon-ah, she's lost" Jin says and Namjoon nods and hands you a small tissue package.

"Where are you trying to yo?" Namjoon asks sincerely and you wipe your tears.

" group was headed to a Cafe in...I don't... I don't know. I'm sorry." You stumble around, not able to explain yourself.

"Calm down. Let's go to the front and see if we can find your group." Namjoon says and you say thank you as he and Jin walk beside you while Yoongi walks slightly behind you guys.

After a while of searching in an awkward silence, Namjoon asked you questions about yourself and vise versa. Jin would make a joke every once in a while with Yoongi quietly chuckling at your reactions. Yiu were thankful they took their time out to help you. You respected them as an idol so you didn't request for any outrageous things such as a follow on a social just incase it could cause an uproar, but they did say that they would do at least one thing for you. As a joke you invited them to your graduation. Namjoon nods at the request and you end it saying that you were joking and that you didn't want to seem unbearable. After an hour, they help you find your group. You thank them and even though it was against the industry's rules to take pictures with fans, they took one with you anyways. Namjoon pulled your teacher aside and they talked for a couple minutes before leaving.

When you go back home you tell your mom all about it. You couldn't stop thinking about the request though. What if they thought you were asking for too much? What if they really did show up? What if they didn't? They might even forget about you. Who knows.

Two days before your graduation you got an email from BigHit. You didn't read it but forwarded it to your mom as a joke since she was always messing with you about how you loved BTS too much. You then start to think about when you requested that they come to your graduation. You laugh it off knowing that they definitely forgot about you.

Graduation comes and you were ecstatic. You finally finished high school. After walking across the stage and the ceremony, you and your friends were taking pictures. You get a text from your mom to come to the top section where she was. You head up there and see her smiling brightly.

"Why are you smiling like that?" You ask and she hands you her phone that was on her email.

"Watch the video." She says and you click on the video.

"Anneyonghaseyo!" BTS show while on the set of Boy with Luv. You scream and cover your mouth as you watch the video.

"(Y/N) we're sorry we weren't able to see you walk across the stage." Namjoon says with a small pout.

"But, we do have a surprise for you when you go home." Jungkook says as the other unconsciously nod.

"We hope you love the surprise." Jimin smiles and they all blow a kiss to the camera and the video ends.

"Mom....what surprise?" You ask and she was already pulling out her car keys.

"Let's go home and find out."

As you enter your house the lights were off. You were about to flick them on when your family shouts surprise. You smile as you see the house decorated in Map of Soul theme. You and your mom tells you to cover your eyes.

As you do as she says you hear quite a bit of shuffling. When she tells you to open them, you see all seven of your favorite guys. You cover your mouth and look down and feel yourself tear up. They aww and give you a group hug as Jimin tells you not to cry.

"We promised" Namjoon says and you wipe your tears.

At the end of your party you thank them personally and hug them. You become sad though. They have had such a huge impact on your but, you didn't think you were anything more than just a fan to them. You walk them to the door and Namjoon puts his hand on your shoulder.

"I promise you this won't be the last time we talk."


You were currently sitting in your dorm room looking at your text book when you get a phone call. You look at the number and hum.


"Yeoboseyo!" They shout and you smile and look down, closing your text book.


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