How They React

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When you ask for their clothes


"My sweater? Why do you want my sweater when I can buy you the same one?"

"Nevermind, forget I asked." You say embarrassed

"No no, I am just curious"

"So when you leave, I'll have you with me still.."

"Then here" Jimin smiles, taking the sweater off and putting it on you.

"Say no more"


"Kookie!" You say as he walks off with his suitcase. He stops and turns around and walks back to you, wiping your tears.

"May I please...have your hoodie?" You ask and he nods and pulls his hoodie off.

"Arms up." He says and as you lift your arms, he puts the huge hoodie over you and straightens it out,ignoring the cameras on the two of you.

"Wait for me." He whispers and you sniff and nod. You both hug each other tightly before he walks off with you waving, the hoodie sleeve covering your hand.


You were in the studio with Yoongi when it was a little colder than usual. You usually didn't like asking Yoongi for things. You lay down on his couch and close your eyes when you couldn't relax. You pout and whine a bit.

"Yoongi, may I have your hoodie?" You ask him who still had his back to you, working on beats.

You were about to ask again since it seemed like he didn't hear you when he pulls his hoodie off and reachs back, handing it to you, without turning to you. You thank him and put his hoodie on and lay back down. You close your eyes and start to relax. You hear the chair move before feeling a small blanket being placed over you and a kiss on your forehead.

"You look cute in my clothes."


Before dance practice started, you were looking at Namjoon's huge coat. You look back at him and saw him paying attention to Jimin going over the dance. You put his coat on and giggle feeling how warm it was. You find a mirror and start to take pictures in his coat.

"Namu, may I have your coat?" You ask and he looks over at you while Jungkook and Taehyung tease him at the nickname.

"Yes, you may." He says and you smile and hug the coat before taking more pictures in it.


You left your hat at home and it was a bad day to leave a hat. You were walking with Hoseok when you use your mittens to cover your ears.

"Do you want my hat?" Hoseok asks and you shake your head when he rolls his eyes and takes his hat off and puts it in you.

"My stubborn girl." He says and smiles before continuing.


You were on a dinner date with Taehyung when the media finds you both.

"Can we use your coat to hide me?" You ask and he nods.

Once you both leave, you put his coat on and it covered you while he lead you to the car. Once in the car he drives off.

"Keep the coat, you look cute"


"Jin can I wear your slippers?" you ask and he takes his headphones off and looks at you. You point to his slippers.

"Can I wear them?" You ask and he laughs at the random request and nods.

You put your feet in his slippers and laugh at the size difference and walk around in them.

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