Prologue: a chance meeting

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It's been a long time since I last my home. If it wasn't for my dreams, I would've forgotten my mother's face.

The cold room I was always kept in was lit by purple lights. I slept on a hard metal plate with a thin blanket and no pillow.

It was harsh at first, but over the years, I grew to accept the conditions. It was better than being out there in space.

To this day, I still don't ubderstand why I was taken from my home, but they tell me that I am special. And that they needed me to win a war they have fought in for centuries.

Fight. Eat. Sleep. Dream.

That was the pattern I followed all these years.

I would fight. Eat little food. Sleep for only a couple of hours. Then dream strange dreams.

The only comfort I had was a small book and a pencil I could draw with. Anything I dream I would draw. It was my way of surviving these harsh and terrible years.

Today was like any other. Except, I was awoken from my sleep by the rough squeaks of the iron door.

"Let us go!" Someone shouted, "What are going to do to us?"

"Your fate shall be decided soon." Another harsh voice said, laughing as the door shut, "In the meantime, she'll answer all your questions."

I sat up on my hard bed, rubbing my eyes of sleep.

"She?" A younger voice asked confused by the statement, "Who's 'she'?"

But the young voice recieved no answer.

Whimpers came through, "Dad, I'm scared."

"Don't worry, Matt. We'll get through this." An older voice said, reassuring the younger voice identified as Matt.

"Are you... alright?" I asked, startling the three.

I looked up completely and saw three men. One was tall with black hair and a strong build. Another was much older, with gray hair and a small lanky build. He'll most likely go to the camps.

The last one was a young boy, barely older than I am. He had a frightened look in his eyes and shady blonde hair. All three were dressed in ragged prisoner clothes.

"Who are you?" Thr black haired man asked.

I stood up, my long cloak and hood covering my body and face.

"I am a friend." I replied, "How did You come to this place?"

They were silent for a moment before the youngest man answered.

"We were on a mission to the moon Kerberos. We came from Earth-"

"You come from Earth?!" I asked, excitwd to hear this news, "Are you really from Earth?!"

They were surprised by my reaction, "Yes, we are. My name is Sam Holt. This is my son, Matt. And the man behind us is Takashi Shirogane, but call him Shiro. May we ask your name?"

I gasped, stepping back a couple steps. I was scared for a tick. Should I give them my name? How much should I tell them? Will they trust me?

Taking a deep breath in, I walked up to the three humans and stretched out my hand.

"They call me... Phoenix. It's so good to see more humans."

One by one they shook my hand. And as the days went by, I was happy. I never showed my face to them. Although they seemed trustworthy, I was not ready to reveal my true self.

So I kept my hood and cloak on. I hid my face with a mask that covered the bottom half of my face. (A/N think of Kakashi's mask from Naruto)

A whole year passed, and one by one, my new friends left, either transferred or taken away.

However, one of them escaped, and they promised to come back for me. I plan to never give up hope that that promise was real.

Because hope....

Is all that I have left for now.

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