Across the Universe

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The Red Lion was spiraling out of control as the wormhole's integrity was compromised and flung us through the temperal rift.

Keith held me tight as he screamed, I didn't move for my consciousness was going in and out. My wounds we're steadily getting worse, opening at a slow, agonizing rate.

"Hold on, Phoenix!" He shouted as we exited to who knows where.

"Come on, come on, come!" He grunted before we made contact on something hard.

That's when I blacked out hard. I don't know how long I was out, but that didn't matter right then.

I opened my eyes to see the familiar soft lights surrounding the Red Lion cockpit. The cold metal of the floor cancelled out some of my previous pain, but it didn't go away entirely.

I groaned as I forced myself to my knees, but that was as far as I could go.

"Ugh.." Keith groaned as he woke up.

"Keith?" I whispered, "Keith, you alive?"

He quickly reacted to my pain filled voice, rushing from his chair and kneeling by my side with a worried expression on his face.

"Phoenix, you alright?" He asked, glancing me over to check for anymore injuries.

I smirked, "I've been through worse, trust me. But nevermind that, where are the others?"

Keith opened the overhead hatch and stepped out, looking over the barren wasteland we landed on. He hopped back inside the Lion.

"There's no sign of them." He said, "we've landed in a wasteland."

"Ha." I weakly laughed, "Terrific. Who do think landed here with us?"

"Most likely Shiro. I've gotta go find him. Keith stood up and was about to leave when I grabbed his wrist.

He looked back at me with confused eyes, "Not alone you're not." I said, struggling to stand up. My legs didn't hold out and I was sent tumbling back down.

Keith caught me before I hit the ground, "Theres no way you're going with me, not with those injuries."

I sighed as he set me down, I raised my hand, a silent signal for him to wait.

His eyes widened in shock a small flame lit on my pointer finger.

"What the heck is that?" He asked.

"It's a flame, duh." I smiled and teased, "Jeez, Keith, for the paladin of the Red Lion, the guardian of fire, you're pretty dense."

I led the flame to one of my more severe injuries and let it singe my skin closed. Keith looked away as the fire melted my skin together. He was cringing as the smell of burning flesh wafted in the cockpit.

I gasped at the slight feeling of pain before I grew used to it. After all the fights I've had during my time here in space, my pain tolerance grew.

I sighed a few minutes later when I finished bruning my wounds. The now closed injuries were pink and still hot to the touch, but they would hold for a while.

I grabbed the wall and stood, "There, that's much better." I said, smiling.

"Better!?" Keith shouted, turning back around and glaring angrily at me, "Phoenix, you were tortured, almost killed and now you just used a magic flame that appeared out of no where to burn your injuries closed! How is that any better?"

I shook my head and poked my finger at his armor plated chest, "Look, I've done this kind of thing hundreds of times. This pain is nothing to me. Now if you're done yelling at me, let's go see if Shiro is nearby."

Voltron's Fire: The Phoenix in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now