Knights of Pight Pt. 2

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My eyes widened after all the shadows were blown away. I was speechless to see the person in front of me....

Was my father!!!....

He stood tall with his glowing yellow eyes and terrifying grimace. The same Paladin armor I was wearing covered his body and his weapon was held tightly in his hand.

"Dad?" I asked softly, as if talking too loud would set him off.

He sped off towards me, raising his blade over his head to hit me, when all of a sudden, Agnimitra roared loudly. A bright light covered us and forced him to stop, while I closed my eyes and covered them with my arms as to not be blinded.

When the light died down, I lowered my arms and opened my eyes to see that I wasn't in the same place.

It was a large hall, filled with red and gold accents on the white walls. I recognized the hall as the place where I first saw Agnimitra. I was on Solaria!

"Kane," I turned around and gasped at the sight of my dad and aunt Fira when they were much younger. They were both dressed in the same clothes that were in the painting of them we saw when we first came to Solaria. Both of their faces holding wonder, but Fira had more than that. She seemed concerned.

"Kane, are you sure you must do this?" Fira asked.

Dad nodded, "I must, Fira. This is the only way I can think of to keep our planet safe from the Galra Empire. You understand what could happen if the Galra obtained the Phoenix inside of me."

"Yes, I do understand, but... I'm afraid that this war will destroy you, even if you do leave Solaria. How will our people survive without a ruler?"

My father turned to his sister and smiled, hugging her tightly as she began to cry on his shoulder.

"There is nothing in this universe that will ever take me away from you, Fira. No matter what, in life or death, we'll always be together as a family."

My father pulled away and wiped away my aunt's tears, then turned back towards Agnimitra and walked up to her paw. He placed a hand on her metal paw and she purred loudly in response to his touch.

"One day, my friend, there will be another Paladin for you. However, it will not be me." I was confused. Why would he say that? Did dad know that he would never return to Solaira.

"The Phoenix has given me my last vision. There will be another more powerful than any other holder of the Phoenix. They will come here years from now. I know that this person will be the best Paladin for you, my friend, better than I ever could."

I stood and watched as my father smiled one last time at Agnimitra, then stepped away from her as her particle barrier was activated.

I followed my father and aunt to the part of the castler where the personal space pods were stationed.

My father changed from his royal clothes into a red spacesuit. He hugged his sister one last time before getting inside the pod and taking off into space. Fira walked back to Agnimitra's chamber and said a silent prayer for her departed brother.

"Please, let him return to us."

I found myself back in the empty space in the blink of an eye, my father coming closer to me in the air.

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