The Pain of a Secret

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I lay helpless om the floor on the bridge of the Castle. The sun had risen just a few hours ago, signifying a new day.

Shiro sat on his knees, beaten and bruised, but otherwise okay. He looked over at me with tired, worried eyes.

"Are you alright?" He whispered.

Through chattering teeth, I nodded and replied, "Worry about yourself and Lance for now. I'll be just fine."

"Haxus!" Sendak shouted angrily, "I qant whoever's in this ship found and terminated!"

"Commander Sendak, I've recieved a transmission generating from somewhere inside." Haxus informed, playing the transmission.

"There's not much time before they get the ship running again. You must shut off the particle barrier so we can get in."

"You got it. Tell me what to do."

Shiro and I were both surprised and worried when we heard Pidge and Allura's voices talking in the transmission.

"She's telling the intruder how to take down our defenses." Haxus said.

"Yes, but she's also giving away his location." Sendak turned to his soldiers, "Find that room. Kill the paladin."

The metal soldiers nodded and rushed to the main hull to find Pidge.

"Repair the engine." Sendak ordered, "Emperor Zarkon has commanded us to bring him Voltron and the girl. This ship will rise before day's end."

"What's the reason for you to take Phoenix?" Shiro asked, "She's done nothing wrong."

Sendak turned around and smirked, walking towards us and kneeling down in front of Shiro.

"'She's done nothing wrong' you say? This girl has been a constant pain in the Galra's neck since she was captured." He pointed towards me, I glared at him as hard as I could.

"She's a rebel. One who was captured years ago and has been escaping the prisons more times than any other prisoner."

"Then I must be good. I escaped from your prisons." I teased. Sendak growled, lifted me by my collar and slapped me with his robotic hand.

I didn't cry at the pain. I was used to it. All those experiments really helped in my pain tolerance levels.

"Sendak! Let her go!" Shiro shouted.

"Why should I? So she can go back to you? Ha! Please, she'll be better off with all the other pathetic fighters in the ring."

"The only pathetic one here is you." I said as I spat in his face.

Even more angered at me, Sendak hit me so hard I thought I heard a crack in my skull.

He threw me harshly to the floor.

"Phoenix, are you okay?" I heard Shiro ask through the ringing in my head.

I groaned in pain, but nodded.

Shiro snarled and looked back up at the Galra commander.

"Why does Zarkon want her? What do you plan on doing to her?" He demanded answers.

"Well, Zarkon will be pleased to have the famous fire of the universe back in his possession."

Shiro was confused, "Fire of the universe?"

Sendak laughed at Shiro's confused question, "She hasn't told you anything has she? Phoenix here, is a special type of creature. She has infiltrated many Galra bases and given classified information to rebel groups. Not to mention she has crashed our ships, hacked our databases and sabotaged some of our supply routes. She's been a threat to the Galra Empire since she was small. Zarkon will be more than happy to give her back to the druids."

Voltron's Fire: The Phoenix in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now