Stayin' Alive

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I leaned against the said of the Yellow Lion cockpit as my companions talked for a minute.

I smiled and sighed, thinking that this battle with Zarkon could be our last. My thoughts wandered to my mother and little brothers. When I get home, I'm going to hug them tight and promise never to leave again. At least, not without a warning.

I've been having dreams of my family back on Earth, and it only made me want to fight harder to return to them.

No matter what happens, I will fight to protect the universe and my home and family.

"I didn't just turn Galra!" Keith shouted angrily at Hunk, who was stating at Keith snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Are you trying to see if my skin is purple?" Keith asked suspiciously.

Hunk quickly tilted his head and looked away.

"No." Hunk said, making me chuckle at his tone of voice.

Just then, the computer beeped and Allura appeared on the screen. Her face held an anxious and fearful expression that made jump alert.

"Hunk, Keith, Solaris, are you there? Can you hear me?" She asked frantically.

"We're here. What's going on, Princess?" Keith asked.

"You must return to the Castle! I need you!"

"We're on our way."

Hunk sped the lion faster and faster, rushing to get to the Castle. As we sped faster, a wormhole appeared in front of us and brought us to the Balmera.

When we arrived, it was chaos. My body shook as the feeling of a massive flame rushed through my entire body. I wrapped my arms around my myself as the Blue and Yellow Lions took position.

"Whoa! How is that thing operational? It doesn't have a head!" Lance said as we dodged a laser coming from the monster.

"Well, Mike the headless chicken surivived without a head for eighteen months. And at this point, anything is possible." I said.

"What ever the case, I'm sure it has something to do with those crystals. Phoenix can you see anything?" Pidge asked.

My vision changed and I saw three flames flickering widely from the monster.

Two of the flames came from the two crystals near the robeast, while the third came from the robeast itself.

However, the three flames were created from the same flame, just split into different pieces.

"It's flame is strong, stronger than last time." I informed everyone.

"How did we beat it last time?" Keith asked.

"We formed Voltron, then I stuck in my bayard and shot it with my blaster right in its arm lasers." Hunk said.

"So we're gonna need Voltron." Shiro said.

"But we only have two lions." Pidge pointed out.

"Well, maybe we can form the legs and kick it?" Lance awkwardly suggested.

"We'll keep that in our back pocket, Lance." I said.

Suddenly from its back, the robeast shot a powerful laser at us. We dodged and watched as the laser destroyed two moons around the Balmera.

"That new laser is much more powerful. We're definitely gonna need all the lions." Shiro said. "Hunk, you distract it so we can fly into the Castle. Once we get out lions out, we'll cover you so you can fly Keith in for Red."

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