The Genesis

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My brothers held my hands as Keith wheeled me in my wheelchair to the conference room to meet the crew and discuss our next move.

My fever had gone down exponentially since the Atlas came and found us before Zethrid and her pirates could finish us off, but I was still put on bed rest until it went down to normal. If I had been a normal human, I would be dead by now with my fever burning me from the inside out, but I was only half human, so it was easier for me to survive the fever.

"Are you sure you're well enough to be moving around, Solaris?" Kai asked.

I chuckled, "I'm not moving around a lot. If you haven't noticed, I'm being pushed around in a chair." I said.

"Just be careful, okay? You really scared us with that fever. I mean seriously, who can survive a fever of 105.3 degrees?" Ray said.

"You sister, that's who." I said confidently.

Keith chuckled behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. It felt nice to have that warmth with me. A few more minutes of walking and we arrived at the conference room, everyone smiling and saying that I was looking better until Coran began to speak.

"We have confirmation that Honerva's beasts have touched down on planets Sanook, VeXilum, Siiz, and we continue to receive more transmissions." He explained.

"This is consistent with the reports I'm recieving as well." Veronica confirmed.

"The wormhole signatures we discovered on Olkarion, they were a map to where the Robeasts were headed. They must have been waiting this entire time." Pidge pointed out as we stared at the holo-map above the table.

"They're targeting multiple fronts simultaneously." Keith said.

"What do we do?" Hunk asked.

"We keep our calm." Shiro answered, "Coran, continue to mark the planets where the beasts have landed. Veronica, give us any real-time updates as they come in."

"Copy that." Veronica said typing on her holo-keys, "Just got another report from Sanook. The Robeasts are covered in some type of shield like a particle barrier."

We looked up and saw a picutre of one of the Robeasts surrounded in a purple barrier.

"They're not attacking the planet?" Allura asked.

"Not yet."

Just then, my heart jumped, making me gasp at sudden change and causing my friends and brothers to look at me concerned.

"Phoenix, is something wrong?" Lance asked. I placed my hand over my heart, the sudden jumping beat disappearing as quickly as it came.

"I... I don't know. Something.... something doesn't feel right." I answered.

"The planets are reporting activity." Veronica said, taking attention away from me, "The Robeasts are siphoning Quintessence."

"We need to engage them all, save as many people as we can. We're talking about triage here." Iverson said.

"We could split up the Lions." Keith suggested.

"One Lion can't handle a Robeats on its own." Hunk pointed out.

"No, but it could slow the down, buy us some time."

"I say we attack them with the totality of our forces and wormhole from target to target." Shiro suggested.

Allura stood up, "No. We must attack Oriande directly. I think I know what Homerva's doing." She said, "We know Honerva has the ability to create wormholes and that these wormholes are emanating from Oriande. She used a Robeats to steal the Olkari cubes, which can mimic and intensify energy at a distance. And those Robeasts are essentially armed with Komars, able to drain and transmit massive amounts of Quintessence. Honerva is going to concentrate energy from across the universe to Oriande."

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