Knights of Light, Pt.1

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I sat Allura's medical room, finished doing whatever I could to help heal her. It was simple to do, but it was difficult in some places. Allura's problem was not just her body being strained, but her flame was being attacked by some darker flame. The flame from the canister we said to stay away from.

I breathed a sigh and took my hands off of her head and chest. Suddenly, Allura gasped and began panting hard as she opened her eyes in a panic.

"Allura, are you okay?" Lance asked.

Allura looked around the room in a daze, seeing Lance, Coran and me standing around her bed.

"What's going on? Where am I?" she asked sitting up in bed.

"You're in the medical bay." Coran answered.

"When we got back from Clear Day, we found you collapsed on the ground." Lance explained.

"You've been asleep for two quintants. The entity, it's missing."

I sighed, "Allura." I said, "While healing your flame I felt something dark try to attack and absorb it. Did you make contact with the entity?"

Allura's eyes widened but then softened with guilt and determination as she turned her head away from us.

"I did what needed to be done." She said.

"No." Coran gasped.

"What needed to be done?" Lance repeated questioningly, "What are you talking about?"

Allura stared at her hand, "This entity, it is connected to Honerva in some way. I believe we can use it."

"Use it? I...." Lance couldn't take it and turned his head downwards, not knowing what to say about Allura's decision.

"I swore to your father that I would look after you, but I fear I may have let him down." Coran said filled with quilt.

"Allura, do you understand what you've done to yourself?" I asked, hiding the anger and worry I felt, "You've infected yourself with a darkness that could destroy everything. This is not a good and safe path."

"You're right, Solaris. It is the path toward defeating Honerva." Allura said.

I stood up and helped Allura get changed after Coran and Lance left the room.

"I'm scared, Allura." I said as I helped her put on her blazer, "Not just for you, but for all of us. This entity, its flame is trying to hurt yours. I've calmed it down for now, but if it gets any stronger.... the results won't be good."

Allura zipped up her blazer and slipped on her boots before taking all of her hair and tying it into her bun style.

"I understand that you are concerned, Solaris, but this is the only way that we can defeat Honerva. We must use the entity." She said, then walked out the door.

I stood there for a few minutes, holding out my hand and forming a small flame in my hands. It was the rainbow flame I had gained from the Universal Flame.

I knew that Allura would do this. Her flame told me that she would do something like this, and I was still afraid of what might happen to her if we went through with this.

However, I couldn't change it. It was my path as well. The path the Universal Flame set out for me. And I was ready to take the first step on it.

I followed the flames of my friends to the conference room, then went inside and sat down next to Keith. I could feel I the room that everyone's emotions were running wild. Their flames flickering with their thoughts as Allura started the conversation

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