Knights of Light Pt.3

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My team and I grunted as we were flung through Honerva's mind, and as we traveled through, I could feel Honerva's flame flicker with rage and hatred. But also, there was a sense of longing and desperation.

What was she so desperate for? What did she long for?

We landed quickly and when we looked up out at the surroundings, we were all surprised to see nothing but destroyed landscapes and darkness.

"Whoa." Hunk gasped, "Wait, where are we?"

"On Daibazaal." Alfor answered. We looked over the cliff edge in front of us and saw a large city glowing with purple light, unscathed and untouched, except for the chill of Honerva's dark flame.

My father placed his hand on my shoulder, feeling my body shake in the presence of such dark flames surrounding us.

I could tell that he could feel it, too. Just not as much as I could.

"It's pristine." Gyrgan commented as he stared out at the city below, "Last we were here, all was decimated."

"The landscapes of her mind must be made up of places from her past." Allura hypothesized.

"Wait, hold up." Lance interjected, "If all of this is a big, old Honerva thought bubble, then wouldn't she know we're here?"

"Abour 20 years ago, the Garrison was able to map the human brain." Pidge said, "They used a central metatronic reactor to read the thera-magnetic wave signatures of each of the subjects."

"Get to the point, Pidge." Lance said annoyed and impatient.

"A person's mind is an endless landscape of constantly shifting thoughts and ideas." Pidge summed up, "We must be hidden in the chaos."

"Do you know this for sure, or is this just a theory?" Keith asked.

"Well, it's a theory, but if Honerva finds out we're in her mind, I have a feeling we'll know about it."

I looked up at my dad, who looked down at me with the same concerned and worried expression I had.

"Phoenix, you can feel it, too, can't you?" He asked. I nodded, then looked back out at the city below.

"Honerva's flame is dark and tainted, but I sense something strange from it." I said.

"What do you sense?"

"It's.... It's difficult to explain, but... it feels almost as if she's sad and longing for something. But I can't tell what she wants."

"Allura, where should we go next?" Keith asked, breaking our conversation and Allura gasping at the sudden break of her concentration.

She looked around and behind us, staring at the large palace perched on the cliff edge.

"The entity wants us to enter the palace." Allura answered.

My body shook even more as we stared at the palace and my tremors grew stronger as we climbed up the cliff. Her flame was darker than before and it terrified me.

When we made it to the palace doors, Allura went closer to the doors raising her hand towards the dark palace before her father walked up to her and forced her hand down.

"Allura, please listen to me." Alfor begged, "Alteans are life-givers. The entity you possess is a dark, ancient evil. It is not the key to winning this war."

"I understand your concern," Allura said, "but the entity granted us access to Honerva's mind. Without it, your spirit would still be cursed."

"If you're looking for real power, the ability to become a true Altean Alchemist, there is a place where you can train."

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