The Zenith

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Honerva and her new hideous Robeast stood tall on space, the energy she had gathered from all over the universe swirling behind her.

However, for us, we were weakened from the blast enough to disband from Voltron.

The pain in my head and chest grew worse and worse, to the point where I felt nothing but that terrible pain.

"Paladin, report status." Keith said.

"I'm offline." Lance reported.

"Me, too." Pidge said.

"Uh, guys, are you seeing this?" Hunk asked, speaking about the massive energy being pulled from the spires of the temple to Honerva ans the wings on her Robeast.

"What are those things doing?" Lance asked.

"That's how she's getting in." Pidge gasped.

"What do you mean?" Keith asked.

"Honerva! She's using those wings to peirce the barriers between realities. It's her entry point."

"Our universe is collapsing, just like the day we lost the Castle of Lions." Coran said, "Those wings are causing the very fabric of our reality to disintegrate!"

"Then we're gonna stop that thing before it breaks through." Hunk said determinedly as his Lion powered up, "Yellow Lion's back!"

"Hunk, get your passengers back to the Atlas." Keith ordered.

"Copy that." Hunk flew the Yellow Lion back to the Atlas.

Suddenly, I felt Honerva's flame jump, along with the last two Altean fighters in their Robeasts. The two Robeasts quickly came back to power and charged straight for us.

"Those Robeasts are headed our way!" Pidge exclaimed, gasping as I felt the Green Lion's flame jump, "Just in time. My Lion is responding!"

One by one, our Lions came back to power. But with that power, came more pain for me. Honerva's control over realities was getting stronger and with my flame connected to the Universal Flame, basically the core of the universe, it was going to get worse with her strength increasing.

"Allura, do you copy? Can you get to your Lion? We're gonna need Voltron." Keith said.

"Hold on, I'm coming." Allura replied.

"In the meantime, the Atlas has you covered." Shiro said.

"Wait, what about the collapsing universe? We need to stop it!" Coran said.

"Coran, we're counting on you to figure something out." Keith said as he fought against one of the Robeast.

"What? Me? I dont know anything about that!"

"Then find someone who does! We need to stop that weapon before it breaks through realities. Paladins, do everything you can to keep the Robeasts distracted. Let's give the Altas a shot."

The Robeasts were relentless and fired at us with the intent to destroy us all. Hunk flew out of the Atlas, summoned his lion's armor and slammed into one of the Robeasts, knocking it it away from the rest of us.

"Nice shot!" Lance praised.

But the Robeast didn't stay down. It steadied itself again and flew back into battle, this time aiming for Keith and the Black Lion.

Voltron's Fire: The Phoenix in the Starsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن