The Ruins

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Three years. We've been missing for three years. Things were different now. Our Voltron Coalition members though we were dead, and our families probably though the same thing.

As I sat in Angimitra while we flew through space, I couldn't help but think of my brothers, whom, by my math, were now fifteen.

But what had happened during the three years of our absence? Was Earth gone? Was it enslaved? Were our families alright? The list went on and on, until my thoughts were interrupted by Keith's voice over the comms.

"Everybody up!" He shouted, waking everyone up, "Come on, it's time to wake up."

"What's the point? We're just floating in space. There's no day or night here." Lance groaned as he yawned loudly.

"I have to agree with Lance. We should sleep for 15 more doboshes." Allura agreed sleepily.

"Nope, I have to agree with Keith. It's 0700 hours back on Earth. It's a perfect hour to wake up." I said, getting up from my makeshift bed and putting on my armor.

"What the heck do you mean by that, Phoenix? No way is that a perfect time to wake up." Lance complained.

"Guys, we can't let this long journey make us soft or dull our skills." Keith said, "Routine will keep us sharp."

"Keith's right. Routine is what got me through being Zarkon's prisoner and being in the infinite void of the Black Lion."

"It also helped me become the fighter that I am today and keep me from Zarkon's grasp. Not to mention the torture I went through." I added.

"I guess that does make you two experts on killing time." Lance mumbled.

I chuckled and sat in my seat, ready for anything to come our way.

"Okay everyone, to your stations. Running battle simulations now." Keith said, resulting in everyone grumbling and groaning as they got ready.

About ten minutes later, everyone was in uniform and ready for the simulation.

"I programmed a new battle simulation." Krolia said, activating the simulation. "I think it's going to the be especially challenging."

Right before our eyes, our surroundings changed and a fiery planet was in front of us.

"Why do you sound happy about that?" Hunk asked.

"Like mother like son." Lance said begrudgingly.

"Focus." Keith said.

"Here's the scenario: You're on a planet with double gravity, dense volcanic fog, and eight blovar Raptors are attacking. What do you do?" Krolia explained

"This is a good one." Keith said.

"Do these raptors have eggs?" Hunk asked, "I say we steal some and make a little breakfast." Just then, Hunk screamed and his Lion was out of commision for the exercise.

"A blovar raptor just melted your face off, Hunk! Now it's eight on five." Krolia shouted.

"That's fine by me. I'm eating." Hunk grumbled. The rest of still in the exercise went in to fight.

Allura fired her lasers at one of the raptors skillfully avoiding their attacks. Lance and the Red Lion quickly went in for the attack as well, but the raptors and the lava flows were slowly backing him into a corner.

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