Know Your Enemy

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We flew as as fast as we could past Pluto and then past Neptune with one goal in mind: get back to Earth as soon as possible.

At this moment, Earth was captured by the Galra and was struggling to keep up with the enemy.

I worried every second whether my family was all right, like the other Paladins. One of them, trying to connect with her father.

"Dad, please respond. Voltron is coming. Hold on." Pidge said, the static continuing to crackle as we got closer towards Earth.

"Are we too late?" Hunk asked.

We picked up the pace flying faster and faster, until suddenly, a voice was picked up on our transmitters.

"Katie? Katie, is that you?" I smiled relieved when I heard Commander Holt's voice answer our call.

"Dad, it's me. I'm here." Pidge happy replied.

"Katie, I'm so glad to hear your voice. Where are you?"

"We're within Earth's Solar System. Heading to Earth now."

"Wait! You must stop!" Sam shouted, almost begging for us to stay away.

"What? Say again." Keith said.

"You can't be serious." I said.

"Stop. Sendak has invaded the planet. He's taken over Earth. If he finds out that Voltron and Solaris are here, he'll threaten the people of Earth in exchange for the Lions."

We were all silent for a moment, before Keith gave us his orders.

"Reverse thrusters!" He shouted.

"Copy that. Hopd tight!" Hunk pulled back on his controls and reversed our thrusters, quickly stopped our movements. However, we weren't lucky enough to stop and not be spotted.

Our alarms quickly beeped at the sight of three Galra patrol ships nearby. They began their attack immediately. As we flew away from the ships, I felt their flames jump with confusion.

"Paladins, we blocked the patron's transmission. You're clear." Commander Holt informed us.

"Roger that. Let's take 'em out!" Lance said.

We turned to face the Galra ships and the Red Lion fired her laser, roaring as we shot down two of the three, but just as we were about to go for the third, Pidge stopped us.

"Wait! Don't destroy that ship. We might need it." She said.

"Really? For what?" Lance asked.

"I've got an idea."

We separated into our individual lions, grabbed the third Galra ship and flew all the way to Saturn, where Pidge explained her plan.

"We can't fly our Lions to Earth without being spotted, so our five will have to stay here on this moon in Saturn's rings, which should keep them hidden from Sendak's radars. We'll fly in another way."

A picture of the hidden moon popped up on my screen. I smiled with the plan.

"Wait, what about Solaris's Lion?" Romelle asked.

"I'll keep Agnimitra in my pendant until we need her. The Galra shouldn't be able to detect her if she's part of my stone." I explained.

We landed on the moon and I summoned Agnimitra back into my pendant. We took out the Galra pilot and got ready to fly back to Earth in the Galra ship. Keith sat in the cockpit and claimed the controls while the rest of us sat in the cramped back.

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