The Grudge

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I stayed in the Green Lion with Pidge as she took care of me for the next couple of days. Slowly but surely my fever went down enough for me to at least sit up and walk around the cockpit.

All that time I was thinking about the 'Universal Flame', as I dubbed it. I never had a dream about it, just feelings about it. A sense of fullness and life. I was happy to be able to feel it, but I kept wondering when and if I would find it. And what I would do when I finally found it.

"Go ahead, Allura." Shiro said after we opened a transmission line to the Atlas.

"Atlas, we've managed to track down an Altean Robeast."

"You found one!" Coran exclaimed.

"Where is it? Did you engage the creature?" Shiro asked.

"Unfortunately, we were too late. It attacked the Olkari and stole the remains of the weaponized cube."

"Is Olkarion okay?"

"No." Keith answered sadly, "Olkarion is gone."

I fought the urge to cry, replacing my sadness with determination as to not let any other planets meet the same end.

"The loss of Olkarion is devastating to us all, but we were able to acquire some vital information." Allura said.

"We learned from the Olkarion that the Robeasts have been traveling via wormhole, which leave behind unique energy signatures." Keith said, "Pidge created a program that can identify those signatures and pinpoint their exact locations."

"We're sending over the readings from Pidge's program now."

The information was sent and I could a few gasps from the other line. After all, I was shocked too when I saw that many Robeasts traveling across the universe.

"Are you telling us these are all Robeasts?" Coran asked.

"We're not positive, but they could be." Pidge answered.

"There's more." Allura added, "After studying the map, we noticed the signatures all radiate from a single epicenter: Oriande."

"Wait, so Honerva could be on Oriande? But I thought only worthy Alteans could get there."

"Don't forget, Coran." I said, "The White Lion gaurdian spoke to me and said that I was worthy but couldn't go in because I wasn't Altean. Theres a chance that Honerva forced herself into Oriande somehow."

"That's a good theory, Phoenix, but there's still a lot we don't know." Keith said, "We need to rendezvous to come up with a plan."

"The Baltuf Nebula would make a good rendezvous point for the both of us."

"Send us the coordinates, Coran. And prepare a bed for Phoenix."

"Why, what's wrong with our sister?" Ray quickly butted in.

"Did something happen to Solaris?" Kai added.

"I'm fine, boys. I just caught a fever, that's all. Nothing too serious." I said lightly, waving off my sick feelings.

"Still, we need all Paladins in top condition. We'll be waiting at the rendezvous point. See you soon." Shiro said before ending the transmission.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall as I slid down to the floor.

"Phoenix, you doing all right?" Pidge asked as she turned around in her seat to see me on the floor.

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