The Road Home

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Everyone was at their own stations on the abandoned planet, trying to come up with a plan to get to Earth. However, I was unfortunately unable to help.

After everyone had given me a piece of their flame to save me, I've been asleep, regaining the strength I had lost to my own flame. It would take a while and even when I recovered, I wouldn't be able to use my flames as much as I wanted without coughing up piles of ash.

My eyes slowly opened, letting me see the dimmed lights of the Black Lion. My vision was slightly blurry, but I was able to make out someone's figure in front of me.

"Phoenix, are you awake?" I heard someone ask.

I tried to move, but almost my entire body felt like lead. I was barely able to move one of my fingers.

"Yes, I'm awake." I said, trying to turn over. I felt a pair of hands help me sit upright, and then two arms held me gently.

"You okay? You were asleep for a while." The voice asked me. I looked up to see who was talking to me, and saw Keith's worried expression.

His flame was a little smaller since he and the others had given a small portion of their flames to me, but it flickered with worry and concern.

I smiled softly at his worried expression to ease his concern, "I'll be all right." I said, "I'll be able to stay awake for a couple hours."

"Dont push yourself to stay awake. You were hurt really bad and almost died." Keith said.

"I'm not pushing myself, Keith." I said smiling brighter, looking around the room and seeing no one but us in the Black Lion. I looked down at my legs and saw that a warm blanket over top of me.

"Were you looking after me alone?"

He nodded with a slight tinge of pink dusting his cheeks, "Yeah, the others are outside trying to contact allies. I volunteered to watch over you until you woke up."

I felt my heart jump. For some reason, I was flattered by his actions.

"Well, we can't let them worry too much. Let's get going." I said, but Keith was against it.

"But you just woke up." He said. I leaned to the side and playfully knocked my head into his chest.

"I'm healthy enough to get out of the Black Lion, Keith." I said. He looked at me with hesitation, but eventually he nodded and went to pick me up. But just as Keith was about to grab me, a suddenly glow appeared in the Black Lion.

The glow quickly disappeared and revealed the wolf Keith came back with.

"Oh, hello there." I said. The wolf whined sadly and walked over to me, then lay down by my side, motioning for me to come towards him.

"What are you doing, wolf?" I asked.

"I think he's offering to carry you." Keith said. I was surprised and confused. The wolf didn't seem to really know I existed, and now he's offering to carry me outside.

I smiled and nodded in thanks to the wolf. Keith carefully picked me up and placed me on the large wolf. I held on to the wolf's fur to keep steady while Keith kept a hand on my back to keep me from falling back.

We walked out of the Black Lion and saw everyone gathered around in the center of the Lion circle.

"Were you able to contact Earth?" Shiro asked Pidge.

"No luck." Pidge answered sadly, "The low power levels are probably affecting our broadcast distance. I'll keep trying as we head for Earth."

"I can't believe we're finally going home." Lance said almost I'm disbelief.

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