The Gala PT. 1

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It was a surprise to all of us. A Gala? Like a big dance?

Oh well, it should be fun.

"Solaris, you must come with me." Fira told me as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room with my friends following close behind us.

"Wait a minute, what's going on? Where are you taking Phoenix?" Pidge shouted as they followed us.

"Oh yes, we'll need to get all of you into formal wear for tonight." Fira muttered. We turned the corner and she walked us down the hall until we reached another room.

She opened the door and what we saw was amazing.

The room was filled to the ceiling with beautiful cloth and dresses, however, unlike a normal changing room, there was a sewing machine on a table in the center of the large room.

Fira twisted me around and made me face her, "Now, Solaris, I understand that this is short notice, but you'll to pick out or make a dress suited for the gala tonight."

"W-What? A dress?" I stuttered out. Fira nodded happily, "But, what about my friends? Some of them don't have any formal wear."

"Do not worry about your friends, I'll have some of the maids and servants care for them and fit them into formal wear."

Fira let go of my hands and rushed out of the room with the others being pushed out by her.

"Good luck, my niece." She said before closing the door and leaving me to my own devices.

I was slightly overwhelmed. All the amazing dresses in the room, the beautiful fabrics, it reminded me of when I was little when I would dream about being a princess.

I laughed to myself, "Who would've thought I would actually be a princess." I said to myself.

I spent a little while looking over some of the already completed dresses. None of them suited me very well.

Some were too bright. Some were too dark. Too large. Too small. Too long, too short.

None of them seemed right. I haven't worn a dress in such a long time, that when I finally saw all these dresses, I was extremely picky.

After looking through all these dresses, I finally realized that I would have to get creative.

On one of the walls of the room were several types of cloth in all kind of colors, some of which I have never seen before in my life.

Blue? No.

Green? Wouldn't look right with my hair.

Purple? Not my best color.

Suddenly, I saw a fabric that changed as I looked at it. I walked over to the fabric and took it from its place. It was so soft and gentle to the touch. The color was amazing as it changed, and was so warm.

It was perfect.

I took the fabric and sat down in front of the sewing table, ready to get to work.

~~~Keith POV~~~

Fira dragged us out of the room she left Phoenix in and took us to another room.

"The boys shall change in here." She said, separating us guys from Allura and Pidge.

"The girls shall come with me. The men inside shall take your measurements and find suitable formal wear for you."

We nodded, still a little surprised by the way Fira dragged us away from Phoenix like that.

We went inside the room and four men were standing in matching uniforms, just like the guards Fira was surrounded by before we entered the castle.

"Gentlemen, it is an honor to meet friends of the Empress Solaris." The one on the far right said as all four of them bowed respectively.

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