The Truth

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Future Empress...

Future Empress......


The loud cheers of joy coming from the people of Solaria were barely audible to me.

Fira's proclamation as she gestured to me ehcoed and repeated inside my head like a broken record.

Fira turned around and smiled at me, but her happy smile turned into a look of expression if confusion.

"Solaris, what is wrong?" She asked, "Surely your father explained to you that he was an Emperor."

I shook my head, "No. He... He never told us about his past."

Fira looked around at me and my friends, seeing the utter confusion in our eyes.

"He.. He really hasn't told you anything?" She asked. I shook my head.

The people's cheers died down as Fira held her hand up to silence them.

"I'm sorry, everyone, but we shall hold our celebration for a later date. There is much that I need to discuss with Solaris."

The people smiled and nodded, parting away so we could walk through the crowd.

Fira walked up to me and took my hands in hers.

"Come, Solaris, I must explain so much to you. You may bring your friends along as you." She said.

We all accepted and we followed Fira towards the center of the town. As we walked down the stone streets, the poeple would crowd around us, mostly around me.

I looked around at the buildings. They reminded me a lot of Earth. The small houses and larger buildings were similar to the ones back home.

"Your majesty?" I heard someone say from my right. I looked towards my right and saw a young girl with dark red hair cut into a bobbed shaped and bright yellow eyes.

She smiled happily at me and came closer. As she came closer, I noticed a small bundle in her arms, which, when she came close enough to me, I saw was a small baby.

"Hello, what's your name?" I kindly asked.

"My name is Aura, and this is my baby brother Rion." She answered, "Say, are you really gonna take the throne? Will we be able to come out of hiding?"

Come out of hiding? Taking the throne? I didn't understand anything at this point.

Suddenly, the baby boy in her arms turned towards me, showing off his light orange hair and shining magenta eyes.

The baby took one look at me and smiled as brightly as he could. He wiggled his sister's arms and reached his tiny hands towards me.

I was confused, the only babies that reacted like this to me were my little brothers.

The girl, Aura, smiled and giggled softly as she pushed her little brother closer to me. The baby boy reahcing even further towards me, his hands clutching into fists in a grabbing manner.

"I think Rion wants you to hold him." Aura said. I was nervous, but I stretched out my arms and gently took the baby from Aura's arms.

Rion smiled and snuggled his head into my chest. I smiled gently as I held the baby, and I could feel my friends and Fira staring at me.

"Solaris is such a beautiful and kind young lady." Fira whispered to my friends, "Solaria is lucky to have such a wonderful young lady as its future Empress."

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