Clear Day

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Days after our failed mission on Oriande, the Universal flame had been visiting me in my dreams. Tonight was no different.

I opened my eyes to see the same dark space as before, the only source of light was myself, covered in rainbow colored flames, and the Universal flame which flickered wildly with life.

"Thank you listening to my words, Solaris."

"Of course." I said as I smiled, "It was really amazing to hear about the beginning of the universe. I never imagined that a flame just formed in this dark and empty space and split into several realities. But, what about my part in saving the universe?"

The flame changed its shape and turned into the form of a human, then stretched out its hand. I nodded and placed my hand in theirs.

It was a warmth I had never imagined I'd feel, although, I would always love the warmth I felt when Keith would hold me more.

"Solaris, I have told you before that your flame is special, one flame that can never be created ever again in any reality. But, I have yet to tell you what your flame can truly do. However, your flame's true form can only be unlocked once."

"True form? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Only your flame can possibly connect with mine. Hundreds of years of the Phoenix gathering their power and strength, for the right time to unleash it all. And you, its current vessel, are the only one who can release it."

I was stunned. The Phoenix inside of me never mentioned that it had such power. But, then a question came to my mind.

"What... What will happen to me if and when I unleash this power I have?"

The flame came closer to me and wrapped its arms around my shoulders, holding me tightly and whispered my answer into my ear.

My eyes widened when I heard what I had to do. The vision I had days ago was right. But, I didn't let the answer I was given bring me down. I smiled and nodded, pulling away from the flame and looking straight at it.

"I understand. I'll rise like the Phoenix, right?" I asked. The flame nodded, a smile forming a small smile on its face.

"You truly are a wonderful girl, Solaris. So selfless and filled with courage. Even after hearing about what will happen to you, you still have a smile on your face."

The dark space began to lighten up, signaling my body slowing beginning to wake up.

"I shall speak to you again, Solaris."

I waved goodbye to the Universal Flame and let my eyes close. I had an answer to my question, and I knew that Keith and the others wouldn't let me do it. However, I couldn't let her go through that pain. I just couldn't.

I my eyes fluttered open, the lights from my room shining in my eyes as I woke up. I felt the soft blanket wrapped around me and heard someone snoring in the background.

I sat up and looked around my room, and smiled again when I saw my brothers. Ever since we launched into space, my brothers did the same thing they have done since they were little boys, they stayed close to me. They insisted that they stay in my room, but, since they had their own rooms, they were ordered to stay in their own rooms unless I gave them permission.

When I did give them permission, they would immediately run to their rooms, grab whatever they needed to sleep with and race back. I have to say, it was almost like they were little, just running to my room whenever they wanted.

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