Shiro's Escape

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I sat in the corner of my cell, the purple lights illuminating my darkened space by only a small amount.

I hissed at the pain of my opened wounds as I moved my arms a little bit.

"They really did a number on me this time." I muttered under my breath, "Those druids really like to experiment."

All of a sudden, my door flew open, revealing a Galra in full uniform with a stern look on his face.

I looked up at him with a surprised expression, "Come with me." He said, walking into my cell and grabbing my injured arm.

I pulled back, releasing my arm from his tight hold. He stopped and turned around to see me falling back down into my corner.

"What are you doing?" He asked forcing his voice a little, "We must leave, you have to get out of here."

"No." I said, "I can't leave just yet, I need to gather more information."

"But if you leave with me, then you can go to Earth and warn your people."

I was surprised and almost agreed to go with him back home, but i remembered my family and what might happen to them if I went back home.

I shook my head, "I cant go back home just yet. But there is someone here who can do so much more than me. His name is Takashi Shirogane. He's in this ship and he can get to Earth without being pursued. Rescue him and we'll have a chance to bring the universe to peace."

The Galra man stared at me with wide eyes, shocked by my denial to go back home, "Why stay here where you will suffer so much?" He asked.

I lifted my head and smiled straight at this man, answering, "Because I care more about others than I do myself."

He chuckled and smiled after a moment, "You really are a selfless kid, Phoenix. I like that about you."

I laughed softly, "You're pretty cool yourself. The Blades have good men. Are you new, I don't recognize you."

"My name is Ulaz." He said before running out of my cell, leaving me rhinking of a new hope for the universe.

It wasn't long before the ship was on alert, trying to find an escaped prisoner.

I laughed the entire time the alarms were on and a little while after Shiro escaped.

Everyone was gathered in the medical room, waiting for Shiro and I to wake up fully healed. Although, our peaceful sleep was all but restful.

Shiro and I were suffering nightmares, our faces scrunched up in discomfort as we moaned in our sleep.

"Are they okay?" Hunk asked.

"Sometimes the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions." Allura explained.

Hunk turned back towards the healing pods, flickering from one pod to the other, "They look like they're having a bad dream."

"Shiro got blasted by a space with and mauled by giant lizards and Phoenix was tortured to the point of near death." Keith said, "What dream can be worse than that?"

The red paladin walked over to my pod and sighed at the sight of my discomfort.

"I wonder what she's dreaming about?" He asked.

Allura walked over to my pod and stood next to Keith, "I don't know, but I would never wish for her to be in such pain ever again."

Allura reached into her pocket and pulled out the small stone I wore in my hair, the small thin gold dangling from her hand.

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