twenty two

126 10 6

As a child, Jin has always been a rebel. He would get home past curfew and do silly pranks on his siblings. He would play with fireworks and run til his feet drops. Teenager Seokjin had been stubborn. He rarely apologised to his parents for his mindless actions. He liked getting in trouble, a sense of pride rushing through his veins every time he does something nearly illegal. He would not limit his imagination until he has learned his lesson. Like getting into that bicycle accident at 12, which made him stop using that thing to go to school or when he almost got arrested for trying to rob a bank when he was 17, or that one time he smoked joints in his uncle's backyard without the man's knowledge.

Seokjin was the guy who sat the back of every class, never paying attention to the teacher. He was pretty smart amongst the other kids. Having not studied as hard, he passed the grades barely. That was not so bad for a delinquent.

Had he wished that he could turn back time and change that stubborn attitude of his? Most definitely.

But not Jiah.

Although she had not been planned, Jin had always loved Jiah.

"Hyung, stay calm. We'll find her."

Seokjin bites his bottom lip hard, head spinning around like crazy as if he was riding an extreme rollercoaster ride. How could he not notice she was gone? How could he leave the girl be without his supervision?

Seokjin's chest becomes tighter as the negative thoughts swirl through his mind. His lips are chapped and his throat is dry as if the world sucked the air from his oesophagus. The atmosphere seems to have increased in temperature as Seokjin's thoughts unravel because hell, is it getting hot in here.

"Hyung, let's find her together. Let's go." Namjoon grabs Jin's stiff hands and drags him back inside.

Jin is at a loss for words. Constantly blaming himself for this stupid act of his. Fuck, he's so worried. What if Jiah is permanently loss and he'll never see his baby again? What if a random stranger finds her and bring her home? A tunnel of what ifs swarm through his mind.

Thankfully, Namjoon being there reduces his worries by a small portion. He reassures that they will find her. They have to work together and hopefully Jiah will come out on her own.

The couple retreats their steps inside again, firstly reporting to one of the guards. Jin goes for the information desk, pleading for an announcement on the intercom. He bites his bottom lip sharply, going back to Namjoon and letting him hold his hand again because that's the only source of comfort he has.

Between the two, Namjoon was able to keep composed. He has to think rationally and positively. Their last destination before they went outside was a quick trip to the bathroom. He asks the janitor if she's seen the little girl with pigtails and pink sweater, but she shakes his head dully. It's fine, it was only the first try. Everything will be okay.

Before that, the dome. Jin already feels suffocated. The air is sucked out of his throat and travels to the brim of his eyes instead, almost spilling down his face. No, Jin don't cry. Don't be a crybaby.

He asks each random person he meets if he's seen his little girl and they all decline. When the people encourage the guy, Seokjin can only return with a shaky breathe and a bow. He curls his fingers into a tight fist, nails digging into his sweaty palm. This hefty situation is giving him a headache that solely grows as time ticks.

Found her yet?

He stares at his phone, feet tapping impatiently against the asphalt as he waits for Namjoon's response. It dings moments later.

Not yet
we'll find her, baby
I promise

Come ere
Let's find her together

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