Chapter 5

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Blake Pov~

I'm thrilled that we're finally going to share our bond with the pack and declare ourselves as mates. I understand that we have a lot of responsibilities ahead, but for tonight, I just want to cast all that aside and enjoy a wonderful evening with you, my beloved mate. As I glance at you, walking gracefully by my side, I can't help but feel incredibly fortunate. You're truly remarkable, strong, and mature, which makes me understand why the Moon Goddess selected you to fulfill the prophecy. Most other sixteen-year-olds would have been overwhelmed, but not you, Aria.

Lost in my thoughts, I was interrupted by the melodious voice of my mate, who asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're beautiful," I respond, watching as a blush graces her cheeks, causing her to look down shyly.

"Don't hide your blush from me; it's adorable," I tease gently. She only turns even redder, making her even more endearing.

We finally arrive at the ballroom, and as we step inside, the grandeur of the scene before us takes my breath away. I steal a glance at Chloe and offer her a knowing smile. She's always going above and beyond, truly embodying the essence of the Perfect Luna.

"All of this for me, Luna?" I mind-link her, a warm smile on my face.

"You deserve it, Enforcer Blake," she replies, her grin matching my own.

I notice that Aria is being beckoned over by Chloe. "Go ahead," I tell her, gesturing towards the group of guys. "I'll catch up with the fellas."

"It's your party, Enforcer Blake," Chloe responds with a mischievous smile before walking over to Aria.

I spot the guys gathered around the bar and make my way over to join them. "Congrats, man. We heard the news!" Damion exclaims. I can tell from Sam's comment that they're referring to Aria and me.

Seeing my puzzled expression, Sam clarifies, "About you and Aria."

I make an "O" face and nod, a smile spreading across my face. "Yeah, I'm really excited."

Nick chimes in with a question, "Is it challenging because of the age difference?"

I glance over at Aria, who's diligently assisting Chloe in ensuring everything is ready for the celebration. "No," I reply, "she's perfect. I know she's still quite young, but she's incredibly mature for her age. Even before, I always felt a deep connection to Aria. I just didn't know what it was. Now I do, and I couldn't ask for a better mate."

Nick gazes at me with admiration in his eyes. "I'm genuinely happy for you, man," Damion adds.

Nick leans in and adopts a more serious tone. "She's a feisty one, alright. Being her protector, I've seen all sides of Aria. Let me tell you, her mean side is hella scary."

I chuckled and stole a quick glance at Aria, who was still busy with Chloe. "I believe you!" I agreed with Nick, and we continued our conversation. Every now and then, pack members approached to congratulate me, adding to the joyful atmosphere of the celebration.

Aria Pov~

As we entered the ballroom, I couldn't help but be amazed by the decorations. Chloe had truly outdone herself. The room was adorned with grandeur, featuring burgundy and gold drapes cascading over the massive windows. Balloons and tables were scattered throughout the space, and the stage was elegantly decorated with gold accents. There was a prominent sign that read, "Happy Birthday Blake," serving as the centerpiece.

I noticed Chloe waving me over, and when I approached her, she appeared to be in a bit of a frenzy. So, I stepped in to lend her a hand.

"Alright, Chloe," I reassure her, "I just spoke with the food staff, and they assured me that everything is ready. The ballroom looks absolutely stunning, and it's clear that everyone is enjoying themselves."

My Young Mate (Book 1 in Young Mate series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora